NVIDIA Collaborates with SoftBank Corp. to Power SoftBank’s Next-Gen Data Centers Using Grace Hopper Superchip for Generative AI and 5G/6G



NVIDIA and SoftBank announced they are collaborating on a pioneering platform for generative AI and 5G/6G applications.

Since 2019, the two companies have been jointly conducting verification of vRAN and MEC utilizing GPUs. At AI-on-5G Lab. established in 2022, the potential of coexistence between RAN and MEC on GPUs was confirmed. Based on this achievement, they aim to build a next-generation platform adopting Grace Hopper Supership, released by NVIDIA. They will operate various AI applications and MEC applications, including the generative AI, and achieve improvements in user convenience, facility utilization efficiency, and other aspects through advanced control of 5G/6G using AI capabilities. It is anticipated that this platform will serve as the foundation for the next-generation social infrastructure to be realized by SoftBank in the future.

Press Release
NVIDIA Collaborates with SoftBank Corp. to Power SoftBank’s Next-Gen Data Centers Using Grace Hopper Superchip for Generative AI and 5G/6G (May 29, 2023)

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