Meet Our Team

Meet Our Team

  • #Core Network

Keiichi Shima

  • Profile
    Joined SoftBank Corp. in 2022 after conducting research and development on internet mobile communication and security technology at Internet Initiative Japan Inc. Serves as an editing committee member for the Japan Society for Software Science and Technology and as a board member for the WIDE Project.
  • Research areas
    • Research on distributed processing technology using Internet technology
    • Research on mobile core architecture
    • Research on communication service infrastructure technology on cloud
  • Major publications / papers
    • Gábor Lencse, Attila Pivoda, Keiichi Shima, "Performance evaluation of DNS servers to build a benchmarking system of DNS64 implementations", Telecommunication Systems, April 2021.
    • Gábor Lencse, Keiichi Shima, "Performance analysis of SIIT implementations: Testing and improving the methodology", Computer Communications, Vol.156, pp.54-67, Elsevier, April 2020.
    • Hirochika Asai, Michael MacFaden, Juergen Schoenwaelder, Keiichi Shima, and Tina Tsou, "Management Information Base for Virtual Machines Controlled by a Hypervisor", RFC7666, October 2015.
  • Having a broad range of interests
    Technological advancements move quickly, and what was once only theoretically possible can now be achieved in even the most affordable environments. I strive to maintain a broad interest in various technologies and always think about how they can be applied.