- Press Release
- Service
SoftBank Corp. Begins Conducting Autonomous Driving Field Tests to Realize Fully Automated Driving Operations
~Scope includes driving route design and AI remote monitoring in anticipation of Japan’s legalization of Level 4 autonomous driving~
#Autonomous Driving
Mar 10, 2023
SoftBank Corp.

We began conducting field tests in the Takeshiba area in January 2023 to achieve automated autonomous driving operations, with the aim of realizing the early implementation of a highly sustainable autonomous driving service in Japan. We are working on verifying the automation of remote monitoring by utilizing AI, as well as optimizing operation using digital twins.
For more details, visit https://www.softbank.jp/en/corp/news/press/sbkk/2023/20230310_01/
- 16.03.2023
- Next-Generation Batteries
SoftBank Corp. Develops Battery Pack with Next-generation Lithium-metal Battery Cells and Successfully Demonstrates Their Operation in the Stratosphere ~Newly developed battery packs use battery cells with specific energy of 439 Wh/kg, more than 1.5 times that of existing products, to achieve 300 Wh/kg for battery packs~