Meet Our Team

Meet Our Team

  • #Autonomous Driving

Ryo Ozawa

  • Profile
    I joined SoftBank Corp. in 2021 and, from the same year, I have been seconded to MONET Technologies Corporation. Since joining, I have been involved in the development of autonomous driving solutions.
  • Research area
    • Building a data linkage architecture between autonomous vehicles and external systems.
    • Safety evaluation of autonomous vehicles.
    • Technological development for the operational efficiency of autonomous vehicles.
  • Major publications / papers
  • Major achievements
  • About research
    Autonomous driving is a technology with significant societal impact, and its usefulness is easily imaginable. However, there are still many technical challenges, and there are plenty of areas that require further research. We are working hard every day to implement autonomous driving in society in a true sense, striving to ensure that everyone can enjoy its benefits as a matter of course.