This campaign has ended.
Exclusive Offering
For all new postpaid sign ups
Special Benefit
Coupon Code
Special Offering Validity Period
Until Sep 30, 2021
Terms and Conditions
- Valid at On Base SoftBank Shops only.
- Promotional Coupon must be presented at the time of sign up. Showing a website page would be acceptable.
- Personal ID, Credit Card, and your PCS order are required to sign up for SoftBank / Y!mobile.
- Applicable for SoftBank / Y!mobile postpaid only.
- Activation fee waiver will NOT be applied if you cancel the service within one month.
Exclusive Offering
For those who newly introduce
SoftBank / Y!mobile to a friend.
Special Benefit
Get a Mobile Battery
Coupon Code
Special Offering Validity Period
Until Sep 30, 2021
Terms and Conditions
- Valid at On Base SoftBank Shops only.
- Promotional Coupon must be presented at the time of sign up. Showing print-out page would be acceptable.
- It is valid only when the introducer visits the shop together with a customer to sign up new contract.
- Applicable for introducing SoftBank / Y!mobile postpaid new contract.
- Only those who already have a SoftBank contract can receive this introducer privilege. Your privilege as the referrer is valid on and after the next day of your new contract.
- The introducer benefit will not be applied for your own contract, nor your family account.
- This privilege cannot be transferred to the new contractor.