Smartphone Debut Plan Plus
■ Usage charges

☆1 When Flat-rate Option+ and 60-plus Call Value Discount apply (application required).
☆2 Some calls, such as Navi-dial, etc. (numbers starting with 0570), are chargeable.
☆3 When Basic Plan (voice),Data Plan 4 GB (smartphone) or Data Plan 20 GB (smartphone), and One-Year Value Discount+ apply.
Device purchase price not included. Calls charged by usage (22 yen/30 seconds).

We recommend Semi-at-rate Option+ for people who tend to make shorter calls, and Flat-rate Option+ for people who tend to make longer calls.
(Without these options, calls are charged by usage (22 yen/30 seconds).)
*2 Cannot be used with certain discounted services, such as Home Bundle Discount Hikari Set.
A different amount is payable for the first month because it is calculated pro rata and the One-Year Value Discount+ does not apply.
【 Basic Plan (voice)】
▪Calls to family members in your family discount group are free 24 hours a day when the family discount applies. Calls within Japan other than to family members are charged at 22 yen/30 seconds. International phone calls, calls to numbers starting with 0570, and other numbers that are charged at rates set by other companies, directory assistance (104), etc. are not included in these call charges. Refer to our terms and conditions for more information.
▪Charges are incurred when sending an SMS. See our provision condition document for details of the charges.
▪Certain discount services, such as USIM-only Exclusive Discount, are not applicable.
▪The basic usage charge is not calculated pro rata for the cancellation month unless you cancel during your sign-up month.
【Data Plan 4 GB (smartphone), Data Plan 20 GB (smartphone)】
▪People who have been designated as the user when signing up for Data Plan 4 GB (smartphone), Data Plan 20 GB (smartphone), Data Plan 4 GB (mobile handset), Data Plan 3 GB (smartphone), or Data Plan 3 GB (mobile handset) with a new contract on or after September 16, 2020, cannot be signed up as the user again for Smartphone Debut Plan+ with a new contract.
▪Models for use after signing up: iPhone or smartphone (Windows Mobile and prepaid mobile handsets are not eligible.)
▪Data Share Plus Plan and family and corporate Communication Capacity Sharing are not eligible.
▪Cannot be used with certain services, such as Home Bundle Discount Hikari Set, Long-Term Customer Bonus, and Bonus B in the Y!mobile→SoftBank Porting Bonuses.
▪The maximum communication speed will be limited to 128 kbps until the end of the billing month if your monthly data use has exceeded the limit.
▪Unused data allowance cannot be carried over for use in later months.
▪SMS, usage overseas, etc. is not included in this data plan.
▪If you cancel your SoftBank contract during the month (billing month), this data plan applies until the cancellation date and will not be calculated pro rata. However, if you cancel your SoftBank contract during the month you sign up to this data plan, the flat rate charge will be calculated pro rata.
▪Users subscribed to Data Plan 3 GB (smartphone) or Data Flat-rate Smartphone Debut may apply to change plans to Smartphone Debut Plan+. They may also change plans between Light and Basic.
▪If the One-Year Value Discount+ currently applies or has applied before, the One-Year Value Discount+ will not be applied.
【 Semi-flat-rate Option+ and Flat-rate Option+】
▪These optional services allow you to pay a flat rate to receive discounts on call charges, etc. and use Voicemail Plus, Usage Stoppage Service, Call Waiting, and Group Calling. Some calls are chargeable.
International roaming call charges, international phone call charges, SoftBank satellite phone service, calls to Oshirabe Dial, 0570, and other numbers that are charged at rates set by other companies, directory assistance (104), calls within Japan to the voicemail center from SoftBank mobile phones, etc. are chargeable.
In addition, other numbers designated by SoftBank (calls to specic telephone numbers connected when using telephone services provided by other companies) are designated as chargeable because they fall outside the purpose of providing this service.
See for details.
If a member is signed up for iPhone Basic Pack, Smartphone Basic Pack, Mobile Handset Basic Pack, or Mobile Handset Basic Pack for 4G Mobile Handset and applies for this service, the original basic pack will be canceled as of the application date.
【 One-Year Value Discount+】
▪The discount is provided if you meet all the following conditions.
(1) You sign up for Data Plan 20 GB (smartphone), Data Plan 4 GB (smartphone), or Data Plan 4 GB (mobile handset) (except if you were subscribed to any of the eligible data plans immediately before), or you are already subscribed to Data Plan 3 GB (mobile handset) or Data Plan 3 GB (smartphone), change models from a SoftBank mobile handset (feature phone) to an iPhone or smartphone, and sign up for or continue your subscription to Data Plan 3 GB (smartphone).
(2) You are not receiving and have never received this discount service.
▪The discount is deducted 12 times in billing month units, starting from the rst full billing month after the date of your application for an eligible data plan.
▪If you end some or all of the eligible charged services, subscribe to the Telephone Number and E-mail Address Custody Service, or cancel your connection contract, the discount will cease once it is applied in the relevant billing month.
【 60-Plus Call Value Discount】
▪1,100 yen is discounted from the monthly at-rate charge for Flat-Rate Option+ (1,980 yen).
▪If you apply for this campaign at the same time as number porting (MNP/number transfer), the discount applies from that month after calculating the discount amount pro rata.
▪Calls to some numbers, such as Navi-dial (numbers starting with 0570) and international calls, are not eligible for unlimited calls. ▪Application required.
▪Users 60 years and older are eligible.
*The user must show documents that verify the user’s age (driver’s license, My Number card, etc.).
▪Each user may use this for only one line.
▪Corporations are not eligible.
【 60-Plus Call Value Discount campaign period】
November 16, 2022, to undetermined end date *Notice of the end date will be given on SoftBank’s website, etc.
◯The information provided is current as of December 11, 2023.
▪Call charges and communication charge described on Smartphone Debut Plan+ do not apply when using the international service.
▪Part of the communications may be restricted in some cases.