Use mobile phones sold by other companies with SoftBank.

Prices include tax unless otherwise noted.
Owing to consumption tax calculation, prices may differ from the invoiced amount.

Prices include tax unless otherwise noted.
Owing to consumption tax calculation, prices may differ from the invoiced amount.

What to prepare

A mobile phone purchased from another carrier/company

  • SIM locked phones cannot be used.
  • Mobile phones that do not support the SoftBank mobile network cannot be used.
  • For the Simple Style Smartphone, iPad, Android™ tablets, data cards and non-voice devices cannot be used.

How to use mobile phones purchased from another carrier/company

SoftBank USIM card→Mobile phone purchased from another carrier

Please read the following "Notes for using a mobile phone purchased from another carrier/company" if you choose to use a mobile phone purchased from another carrier using the SoftBank USIM card/eSIM.
For customers who do not have a SoftBank mobile line subscription, a SoftBank USIM card/eSIM can be provided with consent of the following "Notes for using a mobile phone purchased from another carrier/company".

For customers who do not have a SoftBank mobile line subscription

For customers who do not have a SoftBank mobile line subscription, a new contract is required.
A SoftBank USIM card/eSIM can be provided with a new contract and consent of the following "Notes for using a mobile phone purchased from another carrier/company".

Required documents for a new contract / What to bring / Fees

  • A mobile phone purchased from another carrier/company
    • SIM locked phones cannot be used.
    • Mobile phones that do not support the SoftBank mobile network cannot be used.
    • For the Simple Style Smartphone,iPad, Android™ tablets, data cards and non-voice devices cannot be used.
  • Required documents for a new contract
  • New contract handling fees: [¥3,850]
    • New contract handling fees will be charged to your first bill.
    • For Simple Style Smartphone USIM card contracts, the payment must be made at the shop.

For customers who do have a SoftBank mobile line subscription

For customers who have a SoftBank mobile line subscription, an upgrade or contract change is required.

  • SIM lock free mobile phones sold by other companies.
  • There are cases where currently used services cannot be used.
  • You cannot change plans between the smartphone plan and the tablet plan.

The service can be purchased at SoftBank shops and certain SoftBank retailers.

Notes for using a mobile phone purchased from another carrier/company

Service guarantee

Voice calls, video calls, SMS, S! Mail, packet transfers, other data usage, additional features and all services provided by SoftBank mobile are not guaranteed.

  • For service and contents provided by SoftBank mobile, monthly charges are incurred even if they cannot be used.
  • For paid apps (downloaded for example from Google Play™), relevant fees are incurred even if the associated services cannot be used.

Usage fees

If voice calls are used, the price system for such will be the same as other SoftBank mobile handsets. If data is used, the price system will be set according to the customer’s contract (Basic Fee/Data flat-rate service). Moreover, for data usage, you must set up Access Internet Plus.

  • If you are not subscribed to a flat-rate data service, please be careful as high data usage fees can be incurred unexpectedly. SoftBank strongly recommends subscribing to a flat-rate data service.
  • Models purchased overseas may result in a large bill.
  • If expensive usage occurs within a short amount of time, the usage may be stopped and payment of the bill may be requested prior to the designated payment date (if you request the connection to be restarted, please consult with the SoftBank customer support center).

The price system will be the same as products purchased from SoftBank.

If you are using a smartphone prepaid USIM card of the “Simple Style Smartphone” service

  • The price system for such will be the same as when using the SoftBank “Simple Style Smartphone” service.
  • For Simple Style Smartphone, an advance charge for the guidance operation (dial 1400 from a mobile phone) is required.
  • If data is used on your Simple Style Smartphone, after applying for a “Simple Style Smartphone” flat-rate data service, you must set up "Access Internet Plus" from your mobile phone.
  • 3G and 4G packets are available with the Simple Style (smartphone) exclusive packet fixed amount service.
  • If prepaid minutes are not added a single time within 360 days since subscribing to the “Simple Style Smartphone” service, the contract will be automatically terminated.

Access Internet Plus

  SoftBank 3G
Simple Style 3G Smartphone
SoftBank 4G/5G
Simple Style 4G Smartphone
APN (Access Point Name) plus.4g
User Name plus plus
Password softbank 4g

If you connect to the Internet without properly configuring "Access Internet Plus", customers who have a flat-rate service subscription may also incur high data usage fees. Please be careful when configuring the settings.

  • If the customer’s usage costs become very high or if the costs exceed a designated amount, the usage service may be stopped.
  • "Access Internet Plus" is not available for certain USIM cards. (for example, those for iPhone, iPad and prepaid services)

MMS settings

  • When using MMS, we request the following settings for the SIM lock deactivated products.
MMSC http://mms-s
MMS Proxy
MMS Port 8080
  • For setting instructions, please contact the manufacturer of your mobile phone.
  • Services that SoftBank mobile provide free of charge may become fee-based on occasion.

Flat-rate data services

Customers with a subscription to a flat-rate data service and who transfer a large amount of data within a certain time period may have their data speed limited. For customers who have a flat-rate data service subscription, traffic information is gathered, analyzed, and accumulated for each data transfer in order to improve network quality. In addition, data transfer may be regulated according to SoftBank's communication restrictions. [For detail information, please see this page. (*Japanese only.)]

Automatic data usage

Depending on your mobile phone/device, data charges may be incurred as data is automatically transferred at times. For details on the product specifications, please consult the manufacturer*1 of your mobile phone number.

  1. *1
    Please note that the contact information may vary depending on your manufacturer.


SoftBank mobile does not provide after-service for repair inquiries for mobile phones that were purchased from another carrier/company, any related handling information and questions/answers concerning usage of a SoftBank mobile USIM card/eSIM with a non-SoftBank mobile phone. For inquiries concerning mobile phones purchased from another carrier/company, please contact the manufacturer*2 of your mobile phone.

  1. *2
    Please note that the contact information may vary depending on your manufacturer.

Technical criteria of mobile phones

If you use a SoftBank mobile USIM card with a mobile phone of another carrier/company, please check that the mobile phone has the technical conformity mark and complies with regulations.

  • Mobile phones that have the technical conformity mark comply with regulations. For details, see the homepage of the Japan Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication.(*Japanese only.) Even if a technical conformity mark is not found, users who have an international roaming contract between overseas telecommunication carriers and Japanese telecommunication carriers, and who use a mobile phone that allows international roaming within Japan, no inspection is needed when connecting to a SoftBank line.
  • If SoftBank determines that regulations are not met, connections may be blocked.
  • There may be cases where a SoftBank USIM card/eSIM cannot be used, for example, if the phone uses a data transfer method that differs from that specified by SoftBank.


SoftBank assumes no responsibility for any damages resulting from using the SoftBank mobile USIM card/eSIM with a mobile phone of another carrier/company unless there is willful misconduct or gross negligence by SoftBank.