The Google Cloud Partner Top Engineer award is given to engineers working for Google Cloud Japan’s partner companies. In 2023, three engineers from SoftBank Corp. (TOKYO: 9434) received the accolade for the first time.
Why did they receive the award? The three recipients talked about why their work was highly evaluated, and how they continually improve their skills.
Explained: Google Cloud Partner Top Engineer Program
The program, launched in 2022 by Google Cloud Japan, recognizes individual engineers from Google Cloud partner companies. They are evaluated on quantifiable metrics related to the following four categories:
- Number of professional certifications held
- Contributions to help promote the adoption of Google Cloud
- Contributions to case studies and development of solutions
- Passion for the Google Cloud business
Award Recipients from SoftBank Corp.’s Solution Engineering Division
- Kosuke Nasu
- Kazuo Nakamura
- Hiromu Ogawa
What are you responsible for at the Solution Engineering Division?
In collaboration with our enterprise sales teams, we propose solutions suitable for customers that range from mobile, network, cloud to AI, and provide technical support as cloud engineers. This support includes design and build after receiving orders, and customized development. My department provides Google Workspace, which covers a wide range of functions that include email, chat, document creation, and presentation materials. For example, in the case of a client in the retail space, by introducing Google Workspace to all of its employees globally, a worldwide communication infrastructure was built, and this made it easier for them to share internal information. There have also been cases where product and store development have been driven by analysis of data, such as customer reviews.
What activities were recognized for the Google Cloud Partner Top Engineer award?
We’ve been supporting the operation and utilization of Google Workspace for about five years since its large-scale introduction to the retail industry, and our initiatives have been recognized as factors that keep customers using Google Workspace. Also, being a partner company rather than a service provider, I believe our strength lies in the fact that we can freely propose solutions that are tailored to the needs of our customers by leveraging insights from our work. We’ve sometimes been nominated by Google for our proposals that combine peripheral solutions, and I believe these aspects were also recognized.
Three areas of focus to enhance an organization’s technical capabilities
SoftBank, while enhancing the technical capabilities of its engineers, is aiming to improve the technical level of the organization by focusing on the following three areas.
1.Promotion of acquiring certifications
SoftBank views talent as critical and positions personnel development as a key driver in its organizational strategy. By promoting the acquisition of certifications, SoftBank aims to build common skills across the organization and enhance the contributions of its engineers. As a result of these efforts, SoftBank was the first company in Japan to win the CompTIA Certified Team Award, an award given by the globally-recognized Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA), for two consecutive years. By standardizing language related to technology, SoftBank improved service quality for customers, reduced communication errors, and increased operational efficiencies.
2. Proactive dissemination of information
SoftBank works to disseminate the latest information, technical data, and event details on the cloud-based solutions it offers, including Google Cloud, Azure, AWS and Alibaba Cloud, through its Cloud Technology Blog. SoftBank also organizes various events for information sharing among engineers, such as the internal study group Tech Shiba and SoftBank Tech Night. At these events engineers share case studies and showcase their latest research. These endeavors not only contribute to customers' businesses but also help improve the skills of engineers.
3. Consistent quality control of services
To ensure that the quality of services provided to customers is consistent, SoftBank has introduced a quality control structure into its organization. The management layer of each department is at the center of these quality control activities, and they support engineers’ activities.
Cultivating a culture of mutual learning among engineers
Why are you taking on the challenge to acquire new certifications?
In the Solutions Engineering Division, we obtain certifications to check whether we’ve systematically learned what’s become necessary in our work and what we’ve learned through it. Since joining the company, I’ve strived to acquire an average of three to five job-related certifications every half a year for the past five years, and I’ve completed all the certifications related to Google Cloud.
How are you acquiring certifications so efficiently?
On days when I work remotely, I use the time I would have spent commuting, and on days when I go into the office, I study while commuting, watching YouTube videos or accessing archived materials from seminars. I also use any spare time between projects or during lunch breaks to study two to three hours each day. Based on the knowledge gained from everyday tasks, I supplement systematic knowledge through training, which brings me closer to certification and helps me organize my knowledge. I believe a well-equipped environment is in place at SoftBank for self-improvement as I can actively participate in external seminars if I want to.
How has acquiring these certifications helped you?
From a practical standpoint, there are times when customer requirements take into account the number of certified personnel and whether we’re a certified partner of Google Cloud, so acquiring these certifications can be of help in situations like these. Also, during projects when we encounter scenarios filled with technical jargon or challenges, the knowledge I've acquired from the certification exams has proven useful.
Leveraging expertise to disseminate practical information
What do you keep in mind when disseminating information on cloud services?
On the Technology Blog run by SoftBank engineers, I'm conscious of the end-user's perspective so I can effectively communicate the benefits of cloud services. While most of the content shared by engineers is written from a technical or administrative perspective, I intentionally differentiate my content by providing a different viewpoint. Also, I keep my articles to a certain length so they can be read within three minutes. By introducing real cases of customer challenges and solutions using Google Workspace, we can share accurate information because of our firsthand experience, which I believe can be of help to readers. I'm delighted when I see page views increasing after publishing an article.
In the rapidly changing cloud industry, how do you keep up with the real-time needs of customers?
I frequently check information on specification changes disclosed by Google and email notifications sent to administrators. I also personally use the Google Pixel smartphone which has a feature that automatically collects related news when I search for information about Google. It's particularly crucial to be aware of services that will be discontinued after we've delivered them to customers. To prepare for such situations, it's very important to capture information in real time. To avoid inconveniencing our customers, I always keep a close eye on updates and disseminate that information promptly.
Maintaining quality with a systematic framework
What specifically are you doing in terms of quality management?
We’re generally organizing everything within a set framework. There are various steps involved in delivering services to our customers, and when internal procedures are included, the number of steps becomes massive. To maintain quality, we’re organizing minute tasks into projects and getting approvals from superiors or people with knowledge about each phase. This ensures we can maintain and improve service quality. I believe this approach is now taking hold within our operations and reducing the number of service issues.
Moreover, we set up biannual internal contests for quality management. The awards aren’t only about the size of the project but also about how quality was maintained and how we helped customers succeed. They are helping to boost morale and create momentum, in my view.
Providing value to customers through internal and external co-creation
What kind of engineer do you want to be in the future?
I've been advocating a 'cross-border' mindset since I joined the company. I'm conscious of stepping out of organizational boundaries and collaborating with various people, and I'm currently engaged in activities like organizing data utilization working groups and setting up study sessions both inside and outside the company. To break down silos, I create flat-type organizations, and these networks have helped us discover new partner companies. Having supportive bosses for these activities is a big help.
I aim to co-create with our partners, and I believe this will help us provide value to our customers. As customer demands become increasingly complex, I feel it's challenging to handle everything on an individual level. I want to continue to collaborate with more experts, both inside and outside the company, and take on a variety of challenges.
I constantly think about how to expand the share of Google Workspace. One of the challenges is the shortage of people who can handle Google Cloud within the organization. So I’m aiming to be an engineer who fosters the skills of other engineers. By sharing knowledge through study sessions with other departments, sharing information within my own department when new features are added, and assigning new projects to colleagues I’ve taught and providing backup, I want to enhance the capability of the organization and contribute to increased market share. I feel the fact that we’re the only company in Japan that handles groupware and mobile devices, device management products and security products is attractive to engineers. We have an environment where a wide range of knowledge and skills can be acquired.
I also have a desire to create an environment that encourages the growth of personnel with cloud service skills. As part of this, I want to accomplish my mission of building relationships with people from other organizations and outside vendors to create an environment where members can better engage in cloud solution tasks. As an engineer, I want to continue focusing on improving my technical skills. With the emergence of new cloud-based solutions and new features, I want to stay on top of things and keep progressing toward the next level.
(Posted on August 1, 2023, Original article posted on June 9, 2023)
by SoftBank News Editors