
Keywords Explained: All-Solid-State Battery, the Future of Safe and Durable Energy Storage

A battery that uses entirely solid materials for its internal components. Long-lasting battery built for extreme conditions All-solid-state batteries (ASSBs) are a type of battery where all internal components are made of solid materials. …

How to Prevent the Risk of Hearing Loss When Using Headphones and Earphones

As people use headphones, earphones and earbuds with their smartphones more and more, some are likely to listen to music at high volumes while others may spend several hours each day with earphones in their ears. This kind of regular usage…

Keywords Explained: FTE

FTE is short for “Full-Time Equivalent,” a unit used to represent employee workloads for projects and other company activities. The unit is useful for human resource management. As workstyles diversify, FTE is a useful measure While tradit…

Exclusive to SoftBank Corp. Among Carriers in Japan, BALMUDA Unveils its First Smartphone

BALMUDA Inc. is a fast-growing Japan-based company that offers stylish home appliances designed to offer not only convenience, but also, in the words of BALMUDA CEO and Chief Designer Gen Terao, “thrilling and wonderful experiences.” Produ…

More Than a Telecom Carrier: SoftBank Corp.’s New Brand Movie Shows its Bold Vision for the Future

Since assuming the post of President & CEO of in April 2021, Junichi Miyakawa has been communicating his vision to transform SoftBank Corp. (TOKYO: 9434) from a telecommunications carrier into to digital transformation (DX) company. To eff…

Did Japan’s Edo Period Have a Sharing Economy? Looking at Past XaaS Offerings

In this day and age, we benefit from a multitude of Internet-based services, and the sharing economy, or XaaS—an abbreviation for ‘X (anything) as a Service’—in particular is getting a lot of attention recently. Among XaaS offerings, ride …

Will AI Cameras Start a Sports Broadcasting Revolution?

The sports industry continues to evolve as it incorporates various new technologies, and the front line of sports broadcasting is no exception. SoftBank Corp. is a top partner for B.LEAGUE, Japan’s professional baseball league. B.LEAGUE he…