Employee Benefits

What makes employees happy?
We continue to pursue what the company can do for employees.

Leave Programs
Annual Paid Leave

Employees are annually granted the following days of paid leave (which can be taken on a half-day basis) according to their length of service:

1st year

11 days

2nd year

16 days

3rd year

17 days

4th year

18 days

5th year

19 days

6th year

20 days

7th year
and thereafter

21 days
  • Annual paid leave is valid for two years after earning it.
  • Employees joining the company in October are granted eight days of paid leave in their first year of service.
Accumulated Paid Leave

Up to 60 days of annual paid leave that expired unused can be amassed as accumulated paid leave.
This can be used for time off due to a nonoccupational injury or illness, as well as for long-term family care leave, family care leave, disaster leave, maternity outpatient leave, sick-child care leave, kids leave, maternal health leave, and so forth.

Special Paid Leave

On top of annual paid leave, the following kinds of special paid leave are granted: marriage leave, spousal childbirth leave, children’s marriage leave, refresh leave, bereavement leave, transfer leave, public duty leave, disaster leave, public transport shutdown leave, jury duty leave, donor leave, volunteer leave, and occupational injury or illness leave (up to three days).
In addition, when employees compete in world championships, whether sports or cultural, representing Japan, they are granted special paid leave.

  • As of February 20, 2019.
Special Unpaid Leave

Aside from paid leave, various types of special unpaid leave are available, including: public office leave, menstrual leave, pre-childbirth leave, post-childbirth leave, maternity outpatient leave,* sick-child care leave,* kids leave,* maternal health leave,* family care leave,* occupational injury or illness leave (from the fourth day onward), and disability leave* (leave for employees with disability to go to the hospital).

  • The types of leave for which accumulated annual leave can be used.

Housing Assistance for Newly Hired Graduates

When newly hired graduates rent housing in their names and pay rents on their own, they are provided with financial assistance that covers part of the rents, for a duration of three years after joining the company.

Employee Stock Ownership Plan

By enabling employees to own shares in SoftBank Group Corp., we endeavor to increase the Group’s sense of unity while instilling the awareness that all employees are taking part in corporate management.
The plan is also designed to help them build assets over the long term, benefiting from the Group’s growth. With a monthly contribution starting at 1,000 yen, employees can set their contributions according to their means, purchasing SoftBank Group Corp.
shares little by little. Furthermore, the company subsidizes employee contributions in an amount equal to 10% of each employee’s contribution.

Asset-Building Savings

Under this savings scheme, the amount each employee specifies is deducted from their monthly salaries and bonuses by, and deposited in, the financial institution contracted by the company to administer the scheme.
The scheme consists of three types of savings for different purposes: general, pension, and housing. Once a year, the company subsidizes employee savings in an amount equal to 3% of each employee’s accumulated savings (up to 9,000 yen).

Defined-Contribution Pension Plan

A defined-contribution, or 401(k), plan is a pension scheme in which the employer pays contributions and each employee as the participant decides how to invest them, the performance of which determines future benefits. At SoftBank, employees can also choose to pay part of their bonuses as additional contributions. In Japan, where the population is graying while the birthrate is declining, public pension funds face difficulties. In this climate, the importance of the role played by our defined-contribution pension plan is increasing day by day. We have introduced this plan in an effort to help ensure employees’ post-retirement financial security.

Optional Defined-Benefit Pension Plan

This is a pension scheme that allows employees to contribute the amount they specify from their bonuses. The aim is to give employees more options to choose from to build assets for the future by offering a scheme conducive to steady, front-loaded savings. This optional defined-benefit pension plan appears similar to a defined-contribution scheme in that employees can choose to contribute part of their bonuses. The difference, however, is that this plan’s funds do not require the employee to decide how to invest, instead earn interest determined by government bond yields, with the principal guaranteed. The plan was introduced in December 2018 to give employees more options to choose from to steadily build assets for the future, as part of our efforts to enhance pension plans.

Kanto IT Software Health Insurance Society

The employees covered by the Kanto IT Software Health Insurance Society (ITS) and their dependents are able to use the year-round, summer, and winter resort facilities offered, and some directly operated, by the ITS at very affordable prices. In addition, they can enjoy Tokyo Disney Resort, Universal Studios Japan, and other places at discounted prices.

Cafeteria(Scheduled to Open February)

At our headquarters situated in Tokyo’s Takeshiba district, the employee cafeteria occupies the entire 30th floor that overlooks the Odaiba waterfront and the Rainbow Bridge. It offers a wide variety of dishes, ranging from ones developed in collaboration with popular restaurants and famous chefs to Softbank's proprietary dishes. The cafeteria can also host events, such as press conferences and cross-industry exchanges.

SoftBank Hawks Game Watching Parties

SoftBank Hawks game watching parties are held nationwide, which include employees cheering the team at the cafeteria and Group personnel gathering to watch baseball games together.
These events, many of which are held regularly, contribute to the Group’s increased sense of unity and closer interaction among employees.

Welfare Services (Benefit One)

As SoftBank contracts the Benefit Station welfare services provided by Benefit One Inc., our employees can choose from an array of offerings, consisting of everyday services, day care, babysitters, and many more. Also available is the Gift Program, a SoftBank original welfare service. This enables employees to exchange, at advantageous rates, the points awarded by the company with items they can enjoy with their family members. Moreover, to help employees to design their future and formulate asset-building plans, the Life Planning Support program is offered. In addition to helping employees’ asset formation and providing investment education, the program focuses on three main activities: holding life planning seminars on a regular basis, utilizing simulation tools, and offering one-on-one guidance by financial planners.