Graduate Our Ideal Candidate & Message from HR
Someone who will enjoy change at SoftBank,
grasping every opportunity to take on a new challenge
We seek employees who will find enjoyment in SoftBank’s continual evolution, while:
- regarding every task as an opportunity and seeing it through to the end
- volunteering enthusiastically for a wide range of opportunities
SoftBank’s future will be forged through these efforts of each individual
Message from HR
What do people really aspire to do? Ask yourself that.
Ultimately, what is it that people aspire to do? That’s what you should be thinking about constantly.
Because if you don’t think something’s worthwhile, you can’t persuade somebody else that it’s worthwhile.
Instead of repeating a specious brand slogan, ask yourself what you aspire to do.
Think about the people around you and about people you have never met: What is it that they aspire to do right now?
What about 10, 20, or 30 years from now?
That’s what you should be thinking about constantly.
How do you create an environment in which everybody has a fair chance to follow their aspirations?
That’s what you should be thinking about constantly.
Then you will know the sort of work you need to do.
And you will know the sort of team you need to lead.
SoftBank Values
- NO.1 Being No. 1 is fun
You can be No. 1 if you try.
The view is better from the top.
- Challenge Challenging yourself is fun
We learn more from our mistakes than we do from our successes.
Do not fear failure, face challenges head on.
- Reverse Planning Reverse planning is fun
Set goals first and plan back to your starting point.
Then your course of action will be clear.
- Speed Speed is fun
Speed is key.
Quick action bears fruit.
- Tenacity Being tenacious is fun
As long as you keep at something,
you can make it happen.