Graduate No.1 Recruitment

For the employment terms and hiring process, see below.

When You Reach No.1,
Another Challenge Awaits You.

What you have gone through to reach No.1 is invaluable: repeated failures, unparalleled efforts, and challenges that pushed you to your limits. Then, when you have finally reached the top, what lies ahead of you must be another starting line.
Taking on a challenge in a new field will enable you to develop faster. Let’s aim higher.

No.1 Recruitment
Make pre-entry registration here

You will be asked to select your course and No. 1 categories after making pre-entry registration.

Open Selection:

Generalist Track, Regular Employee: Pre-entry

  • Pre-entry registration for the No. 1 Recruitment program has been closed.

Engineer Track, Regular Employee: Pre-entry

  • Pre-entry registration for the No. 1 Recruitment program has been closed.
Job-Match Selection:

Corporate Sales, Regular Employee: Pre-entry

  • Pre-entry registration for the No. 1 Recruitment program has been closed.

Consumer sales, Regular Employee: Pre-entry

  • Pre-entry registration for the No. 1 Recruitment program has been closed.
No.1 in Technology

Applicants to date include:

  • Satellite design competition winners
  • Programing contest winners
  • Robot competition winners
No.1 in Business

Applicants to date include:

  • Business contest winners
  • Persons having achieved the highest sales record
  • Inventors and patent holders
No.1 in Academia

Applicants to date include:

  • Authors of research papers acclaimed by international academic societies
  • World debating champions
No.1 in Creativity

Applicants to date include:

Creators with outstanding achievements in the arts and culture

No.1 in Sports

Applicants to date include:

Athletes with outstanding sports achievements at a national competition level or higher.

If your No.1 achievements demonstrate that you will be an immediate asset to us, we will assign you to an area in which your expertise will be utilized to the fullest.

Factors Evaluated

1 Whether you have made achievements that are overwhelmingly No. 1 and what efforts you have taken to reach the No. 1 position

2 How you intend to draw on the experience of having reached the No. 1 position, at our company

Employment Terms

For the employment terms, click below.


Registration Post-Hiring Career progression

Regular Employee

Design your own career.
The possibilities are infinite.
Experiencing lots of jobs
will empower you to
forge a versatile career path for yourself

Screening Methods

1. Video screening

Each applicant is required to submit a self-promotional video that clearly states their No. 1 achievements and efforts.
My Page describes the required format and submission method.

2. Interviews

Each applicant will be interviewed several times.

  • No written examination will be conducted in the screening process.
  • There may be cases in which applicants are asked to proceed to the Regular Recruitment program depending on their screening results.
Planning and Marketing

Business Planning: Plan and propose business strategies; manage business key performance indicators, budgets, and actual performance to help implement the strategies; and plan, propose, advance, and operate products, services, and other offerings.
Sales Promotion Planning: Plan, propose, and advance sales promotion campaigns as well as managing brands, with the aim of boosting the sales of products and services and maximizing our corporate value.

Customer Support

Help make proposals to customers, process orders for new services, provide after-sales support, and handle other relevant tasks.

HR and General Affairs

One goal is to develop both the company and its employees through recruiting, training, helping with placements, devising HR systems, and similar activities. Another is to make the company a fulfilling place to work through tasks such as office management and organization of shareholders’ meetings.

Other Corporate Affairs

Legal, External Affairs, Corporate Communications, CSR, Internal Audit, and other corporate department employees provide the support necessary for business growth of SoftBank

Corporate Solution Sales

Corporate Solutions Sales:Help companies grow by recommending SoftBank’s diverse range of products and services including mobile and cloud services, digital marketing, AI, and robotics. The ultimate aim is to solve corporate customers’ problems, whether they are in Japan or overseas.

Business Development

Plan, advance, and manage the development of new businesses and the creation of joint ventures, while addressing relevant financial and legal matters, through co-creation with partners as well as alliances and other forms of collaboration with external parties.


Take responsibility for the numerical indicators that support management decision-making by keeping abreast of the state of operating performance and setting business objectives and budgets. The goal is to provide a compass for management through business administration of the core enterprises, subsidiaries, and joint ventures.

Consumer Sales

Consumer Sales:Provide sales and distribution consulting services to distributors such as SoftBank Shops and mass retailers of home electronics, targeting every level from top management down to sales personnel. Consumer sales employees are responsible for the entire process from planning initiatives through business discussion to implementation, working right on the frontline closest to consumers.

Product Development and Service Development

Collaborate with partners to plan, develop, and test IoT and 5G products and services that look ahead to the next generation with the aim of bringing about the Information Revolution.

Business Development

Plan solutions that utilize IoT, AI, robotics, blockchain, and other new technologies. The role involves promoting new business projects in collaboration with partners.

Research and Development

Undertake information gathering, R&D, business creation, and disclosure on cutting-edge technologies. R&D personnel explore state-of-the-art technologies that create the future of SoftBank, and promote their practical application.

Solutions Engineer

Plan and recommend a diverse range of solutions with a focus on mobile, network, cloud, fixed-mobile convergence, and unified communications services, to improve corporate customers’ ICT environments, businesses, and work styles, with the aim of solving their issues. In addition, the role involves designing, building, and operating systems to implement the solutions.

Network Engineer

Plan, design, develop, monitor, and maintain networks. Network engineers provide the communication lifelines on which people’s lives depend by devising 5G, IoT, and other next-generation network strategies, improving communication quality, and planning for expansion of coverage areas.

Systems Engineer

Plan, design, develop, operate, and maintain in-house IT systems. Systems engineers build service systems and develop applications, generating value in innovative ways that enable employees to maximize their performance.

Security Engineer

Take charge of all aspects of security work at SoftBank and subsidiaries. Security engineers implement a range of initiatives, including organizational governance management, security consulting, and security monitoring of telecommunication networks, to minimize security risks.

Data Scientist

Harness advanced technological expertise to create new value from data in one or more of the following fields: business, engineering, or science. Also engage in planning, developing, implementing, and providing advice on, all kinds of solutions that utilize AI technology.