
Corporate Governance

SoftBank is committed to maintaining high standards of management and corporate governance.


To SoftBank directors and employees, compliance is not merely about obeying laws, but also about acting with high ethical standards.

Risk Management

SoftBank has a carefully planned internal organizational structure and maintains close relations with government agencies.

Information Security

SoftBank works to ensure full security by maintaining a strong information security management system.

Personal Information Protection

SoftBank works to establish systems and security measures to obtain, use, and protect customer information.

SoftBank's Human Rrights Policies

We respect human rights in every aspect of our corporate activities, and are working to promote diversity.

Supply Chain Management

Our supply chain management is based on maintaining fair and good trading relationships with our suppliers.

SoftBank AI Ethics Policy

We aim to create a world in which AI is properly used for the happiness of people.

Protecting Intellectual Property and Brands

While respecting intellectual property of others, we strive to actively create, protect, and utilize intellectual property.

Tax Strategy

We ensure transparency in our tax affairs and firmly engage in international tax compliance.

Approach to Information Disclosure

We disclose information to all of our stakeholders.