Corporate Governance

Basic views

The Group is guided by a philosophy of “Information Revolution — Happiness for everyone,” a corporate philosophy common to the Group. Toward the realization of the vision of becoming “the corporate group needed most by people around the world,” the Company aims to create a new social infrastructure and realize an ideal society where everyone can spend their time conveniently, comfortably and safely by the domestic telecom business foundation that it has built up so far and providing products and services that utilize the latest digital technology.

The Group recognizes that it is vital to maintain effective corporate governance in order to realize this vision. The Company shares its fundamental concept and corporate philosophy and continues to strengthen corporate governance within the Group based on various rules with which group companies and their officers and employees must comply.

Corporate Governance Report (updated on June 27, 2024) (PDF: 672KB / 44pages)

Corporate Governance System

Our corporate governance system

Corporate Management

Information of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members, including external officers

IR Activities

Information on our IR activities

Internal Control System

Information of matters Related to the Internal Control System

About corporate governance system

Interview with External Director

The Company's Nominating Committee is continuously discussing the importance of ensuring an appropriate and stable corporate governance system. In this process, we take into consideration the balance of expertise, experience, and capabilities of each director, as well as societal demands such as those outlined in the Corporate Governance Code.

Effective June 2024, Ken Miyauchi, who had served as Director & Chairman until the end of March 2024, has retired as a director and the transition from the Miyauchi regime to the Miyakawa regime has been completed. Furthermore, with the approval of the General Meeting of Shareholders in the same month, external directors now comprise a majority of the Board of Directors, further strengthening its management oversight and independence.

With diverse expertise and background, external directors will continue to contribute to the enhancement of its enterprise value through active discussions on important management issues.

July 2024
Lead Independent External Director, SoftBank Corp.
Chairman, Representative Director & Group CEO, HORIBA, Ltd.
Atsushi Horiba