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  5. 6. Developing a Resilient Management Foundation

6. Developing a Resilient Management Foundation- Resilient and Honest Corporate Governance, Organization, and Personnel -

Conduct corporate governance with integrity to earn the trust of society through ongoing
dialogue with stakeholders.
In addition, foster innovation and improve the well-being of
our employees by developing a progressive workplace environment where diverse
human resources can thrive, utilizing cutting-edge technologies and advancing health and
productivity management to maintain and improve the health of employees and their families.

Sustainable development goals

  • Loss of trust as a corporation due to violation of laws or regulations or to inadequate corporate governance
  • Deterioration of reputation due to human rights violations or inadequate response to environmental issues
  • Decreased employee motivation, increased employee turnover and negative impact on hiring
  • Investor confidence in corporate governance and supply chain management
  • Improvement of motivation and emergence of innovation through workstyle reforms and DE&I promotion
  • Improvement of productivity through advanced workstyles, securing and retaining the necessary human resources, the transformation of established work processes and the commercialization of expertise

(1)Enhance corporate governance and ensure its effectiveness

Enhance corporate governance and ensure its effectiveness Enhance corporate governance and ensure its effectiveness

We will work to construct sophisticated governance systems, increase management transparency, and engage in honest and fair corporate governance.

Main businesses

  • Reinforce compliance and AI governance
  • Eliminate anti-social forces and prevent corruption and unethical behavior
  • Build a sophisticated internal control system
  • Increase the sophistication of the Board of Directors
  • Enhance risk assessment
KPIs Results
Monitor the number of compliance violations (annually) Number of disciplinary actions: 30
Employees' attendance rate at compliance training sessions: 99% or more (annually) Employees' attendance rate at compliance training sessions: 100%
Employee Compliance Awareness Survey: Score 66 or higher*1 Score 77
Awareness of Compliance Hotline among full-time employees: 99% or more (annually) 100%
Ensure effectiveness of the Board of Directors: Conduct evaluation Evaluation conducted in FY2023
Average attendance rate of all Board Directors at Board of Directors meetings: 75% or more Average at Board of Directors meetings: 92.5%
Promotion of AI governanceNew
Monitor the number of compliance violations (annually)
Employees' attendance rate at compliance training sessions: 99% or more (annually)
Employee Compliance Awareness Survey: Score 75 or higherUpdate
Awareness of Compliance Hotline among employees: 99% or more (annually)Update
Ensure effectiveness of the Board of Directors: Conduct evaluation
Average attendance rate of all Board Directors at Board of Directors meetings: 75% or more


  • *1

    From the FY 2023, the survey and scoring criteria have been updated

(2)Develop sustainable through cooperation with stakeholders

Develop sustainable through cooperation with stakeholders Develop sustainable through cooperation with stakeholders

We will build strong relationships of trust with our stakeholders through timely and appropriate information disclosure and regular dialogue, and pursue sustainable development together with them.

Main businesses

  • Enhance supply chain management
  • Sound and transparent disclosure
  • Coordination with organizations and regional communities
KPIs Results
Sustainability procurement survey collection: 90% or more (annually) Survey collection rate: 94%
Support for improvement activities at high-risk suppliers: 100% implementation 100%
Supplier inspection / CSR audits: 15 or more companies 16 companies
Partnerships with NPOs: 1,000 organizations 1,066 organizations
Selection for DJSI World (annually) Selected for DJSI World for the second consecutive year
Key suppliers' sustainability assessment implementation rate: 95% or more (annually)Update
Support for improvement activities at high-risk suppliers: 100% implementation
Supplier inspection / audits: 20 or more companiesUpdate
Partnerships with NPOs: Maintained among 1,000 organizations Update
Selection for DJSI World (annually)

(3)Promote employee well-being and advancing DE&I to maximize human capital

Target vision Create work-friendly workplaces for all
Promote employee well-being and advancing DE&I to maximize human capital Promote employee well-being and advancing DE&I to maximize human capital

We strive to create environments with meaningful work, where everyone can make the most of their abilities.

Main businesses

  • Human capital management initiatives
  • Support for employee growth and career realization*1
  • Fair evaluation and remuneration system
  • Promote the participation of diverse talent (professional participation of women and initiatives related to LGBTQ+ persons)
  • Promote measures against customer harassment
KPIs Results
Ratio of women in management positions: 20% or more (FY2035)
  • -
    15% or more by FY2030 (double the ratio of FY2021)
Ratio of employees with disabilities: At or above the legally mandated level (annually) 2.74%
Ratio of annual paid leave taken: Keep at 70% or more (annually) 77.7%
Serious accidents involving employees or at construction sites: Zero (annually) Number of fatal accidents: Zero
Return rate from childcare leave: 100% (annually) 100%
Ratio of male employees taking childcare leave:
30% or more (FY2023), 50% or more (FY2026)
Number of employees who retire due to nursing care responsibilities: Zero (annually) Zero
Ratio of women in management positions: 20% or more (FY2035)
  • -
    15% or more by FY2030 (double the ratio of FY2021)
Ratio of annual paid leave taken: Keep at 70% or more (annually)
Serious accidents involving employees or at construction sites: Zero (annually)
Return rate from childcare leave: 100% (annually)
Ratio of male employees taking childcare leave:
70% or more (FY 2025), 85% or more (FY2030)Update
Number of employees who retire due to nursing care responsibilities: Zero (annually)


  • *1

    Free-agent system, job posting system, SoftBank-style internal secondary job system, SoftBank University, SB Career Dock

(4)Enhance productivity with advanced workplace environments

Target vision Work-style reforms and promotion of wellness management
Enhance productivity with advanced workplace environments Enhance productivity with advanced workplace environments

We will engage in promoting work-style reforms, and health and productivity management utilizing technology.

Main businesses

  • Promote smart workstyles*1 (Smart & Fun!)
  • Offer diverse and flexible workstyles (optimal mix of work in-office, from home, from satellite offices, etc.)
  • Promote health and productivity management
KPIs Results
Provide office environments that encourage diverse work styles: Understanding actual numbers and results (annually) Utilization of shared office space in 5 of our own satellite locations, 34 WeWork locations, and over 600 other locations nationwide
Ratio of telework*2: 90% or more (annually) 95.3%
Ratio of employees who smoke: Decrease of 1% or more YoY, less than 20% (FY2030) 24.5%
High ranking in Japan surveys: Highly ranked among the major surveys (annually)
  • Received the grand prize in the 5th NIKKEI SDGs Management Awards 2023
  • Received 5 stars in the 7th Nikkei Smart Work Management Survey
  • Received the “NIKKEI Smart Work Award 2024” in the Human Resources Utilization category
  • Certification in the 2024 Certified Health & Productivity Management
  • Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program (“White 500”)
  • Selected in the 2023 Health & Productivity Stock Selection
Provide office environments that encourage diverse work styles: Understanding actual numbers and results (annually)
Ratio of telework*2: 90% or more (annually)
Ratio of employees who smoke: Decrease of 1% or more YoY, less than 20% (FY2030)


  • *1

    Super flextime system, teleworking, operational improvements using AI and Robotic Process Automation (RPA), permitting employees to take side jobs

  • *2

    Percentage of employees who teleworked at least once a month

  • *

    Unless otherwise specified, the KPI metrics and targets, as well as results, are for SoftBank Corp. on a non-consolidated basis.

  • *

    “Main businesses” include initiatives by SoftBank Corp. and companies in the SoftBank Corp. Group.

Six material Issues