Support for Childcare
and Nursing Care

Support for Childcare Support for Childcare

Policy / way of thinking

One of the most fundamental duties for companies is creating a work environment supportive of childbirth and parenting, where employees balancing work and childcare can reach their full potential. In order to achieve this, SoftBank has put in place childcare support system policies and a general business plan in accordance with Japan's Law on the Promotion of Measures to Support Fostering of the Next Generation.

SoftBank is working to enhance systems for providing information and support to resolve the concerns and challenges faced by employees who are trying to balance work with caring for senior family members. Our goal is to eliminate the need for employees to leave their jobs due to the burdens of long-term care at home.

External Evaluation

Hataraku Yale 2024 Awarded as an
Employee Benefit Promotion Corporation

Hataraku Yale 2024

The Hataraku Yale program certifies and awards companies that make efforts to enhance and utilize employee benefit programs as a measure to support working people. The company received the “Hataraku Yale 2024 Employee Benefit Promotion Corporation”. And was commended as a corporation with outstanding initiatives.

The award was given in recognition of the company's proactive efforts to enhance its support system for balancing work with childcare and nursing care, and to promote the use of the system.

Company measures to address Japan's low birthrate

As part of our efforts to address the issue of decreasing birthrates, we have established our own childcare support system that exceeds the statutory requirements, including special childbirth allowances.

Special childbirth allowances

Special childbirth allowances

We provide regular employees with childbirth allowances ranging from 50,000 yen for the first child to 5 million yen for the fifth child. In FY2023, 710 employees for the first and second child, and 114 employees for the third child and beyond.

Years with SoftBank Under one year Over one year
Number of children born All First born Second born Third born Fourth born Fifth born and beyond
Allowance 20,000 yen 50,000 yen 100,000 yen 1 million yen 3 million yen 5 million yen

Child support system policy outline

To support employees during pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare, SoftBank Corp. offers flexible work systems to employees from pregnancy until the child reaches the end of elementary school.

Child support system policy outline

Maternity / Paternity Leave

System Content Legal requirements in Japan Points of the system that exceed the legal minimum requirements
Medical and Cancer Treatment Leave*1,2 Available for medical visits, including infertility treatments No legal provisions Company's original system
  • Up to 18 days per year (up to 2 days per month) can be taken
  • Salary paid under accumulated annual leave
Maternity leave for outpatient medical care*1,2 Can be obtained when visiting the hospital for medical check-ups during pregnancy available until one year post-delivery The time necessary to receive health guidance or health examinations for expectant and nursing mothers must be reserved for them
  • At least once every 4 weeks until the 23rd week of pregnancy
  • At least once every 2 weeks from the 24th to 35th week
  • At least once a week from the 36th week until delivery
  • With a doctor's order, the number of times above the legal maximum requirements allowed.
  • Salary paid under accumulated annual leave
Maternity protection care leave*1 Can be obtained if received a doctor's order regarding maternal protection Based on the guidance of a physician or other health care provider, measures must be taken to limit work during pregnancy, shorten working hours, or take leave from work Salary paid under accumulated annual leave
Maternity leave*3 Six weeks prior to and eight weeks after childbirth Women shall not be allowed to work for 6 weeks before childbirth (14 weeks in the case of multiple pregnancies, both upon request by the woman) and 8 weeks after childbirth Employees working in sales can take special maternity leave from the time they find out they are pregnant
Paternity leave*2,4 Five days of special paid leave can be taken starting from one week prior to and one month after childbirth No legal provisions Company's original system
  • Five days of special paid leave
  • Can be continued or taken in installments
  1. *1
    Unpaid unless replaced with accumulated annual leave
  2. *2
    Half-day leave increments are available
  3. *3
  4. *4

Leave and holidays during childcare

System Content Legal requirements in Japan Points of the system that exceed the legal minimum requirements
childcare leave*1 Available until the day before the child's first birthday, divided up to two times
  1. *
    The last five days of the initial leave are paid, and longer periods of paid leave can be taken by allocating accumulated annual leave for unpaid periods
Upon request from a worker, childcare leave shall be granted until the child reaches a maximum of two years of age
  1. *
    Extension is possible every six months at the age of 1 year and 1 year and 6 months in case of not being able to enroll in a daycare center, etc
  • Salary paid for the last 5 working days of childcare leave
    1. *
      Apply for either childcare leave or childcare leave at birth
  • Available until the child reaches a maximum of three years of age
    1. *
      If a child is unable to enter a daycare center, etc., an extension is available every year at the age of 1 or 2 years old
  • Salary paid under accumulated annual leave
childcare leave at birth*1 Available up to 4 weeks, divided up to two times, until the day before the child's 8 weeks old
  1. *
    The last five days of the initial leave (either childcare leave at birth or childcare leave) are paid, and the unpaid period can also be taken with pay for a longer period by allocating accumulated annual leave
Upon request from a worker, childcare leave at birth shall be granted up to 4 weeks and divided up to two times, until the child's 8 weeks old
  • Salary paid for the last 5 working days of childcare leave
    1. *
      Apply for either childcare leave or childcare leave at birth
  • Salary paid under accumulated annual leave
Sick / injured childcare leave*1,2 Can be obtained until the child is in elementary school, including nursing care of the child and accompanying the child to immunizations and health check-ups Upon request of a worker, up to five days (unpaid) of leave per year per employee for a child before elementary school age must be allowed to be taken on a daily or hourly basis
  • Up to 10 days (unpaid) per year per child for children before elementary school age may be taken on a daily or half-day or hourly basis
  • Salary paid under accumulated annual leave
Kids' leave*1,3 Available until the child graduation from elementary school in cases where the employee is unable to care for the child, accompany the child to vaccinations and medical check-ups, attend nursery school and school events, or care for the child due to circumstances at the nursery school, kindergarten, or elementary school or hospitalization of the spouse No legal provisions Company's original system
  • Ten days per year per employee
  • Salary paid under accumulated annual leave
  1. *1
    Unpaid unless replaced with accumulated annual leave
  2. *2
    Available in half days or by hourly
  3. *3
    Half-day leave increments are available
  4. *
    For employees taking parental leave, a maximum of one week is paid (the last five working days of the initial leave).
    Employees whose spouse gives birth to a child, up to two weeks are paid (5 working days of spousal maternity leave and the last 5 working days of the first leave).

Special work arrangements

System Content Legal requirements in Japan Points of the system that exceed the legal minimum requirements
Short working hours during pregnancy*1,2,3 Flexible working hours without core hours are available with reduced monthly scheduled working hours from the time of finding out about the pregnancy until before the baby is born Must take measures to shorten working hours (based on physician's guidance) Even if there is no guidance from a doctor, it is available by presenting only the fact of pregnancy
Flexible work schedule during pregnancy*1,4 Flexible working hours without core hours are available from the time of finding out about the pregnancy until before the baby is born No legal provisions Even if there is no guidance from a doctor, it is available by presenting only the fact of pregnancy
Exemption from overtime and late night work during pregnancy Overtime and late night work can be waived No overtime, holiday or late-night work shall be performed when requested by a pregnant employee - (Available as legally required)
Short working hours for childcare*1,2,5 Flexible working hours without core hours are available with reduced monthly scheduled working hours A system of shorter working hours of 6 hours per day shall, in principle, be established for workers raising children under 3 years of age Available until the child's graduation from elementary school
Flexible work schedule for childcare*1,4 Flexible work hours with no core time are available No legal provisions Available until the child's graduation from elementary school
Limitations on overtime, exemption from overtime, and late-night work for childcare Limitation or exemption of overtime work and late-night work Upon the request of a certain worker who is raising a pre-elementary school child, the worker shall not work overtime or work more than 24 hours per month or 150 hours per year outside the prescribed working hours. In addition, they must not work late at night (from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.) Available until the child's graduation from elementary school
Childcare time Time for childcare is available during working hours until the day before the child's first birthday Upon request of a woman raising a child under one year of age, she must be given at least 30 minutes each twice a day to raise the child Available regardless of gender
  1. *1
    Flexible hours: 7am to 10pm
  2. *2
    Flexible hours can be shortened by up to 2 hours and 45 minutes
  3. *3
    Shortened working hours during pregnancy apply to employees in sales positions
  4. *4
    Employees in sales positions are not eligible
  5. *5
    Shortened working hours during pregnancy apply to employees in sales positions


System Content Legal requirements in Japan Points of the system that exceed the legal minimum requirements
Telecommuting Support the balance between childcare and work by promoting flexible and efficient use of time, and promote a combination of work and home (best mix) to maximize performance No legal provisions Company's original system

Initiatives to alleviate childcare concerns

Initiatives to alleviate childcare concerns

As a relief measure for employees who have concerns about waiting-list children issues during childcare leave and to support their early return to work, we have introduced a system for utilizing approximately 100 company-led daycare centers*1.
Additionally, employees have access to daycare, babysitting, housekeeping services, subsidies for childcare products, and discounts on nursing clothes for breastfeeding through our employee welfare program “Benefit Station”*2, and can also receive childcare subsidies for children attending affiliated nursery schools.
Furthermore, to ensure a worry-free transition back to work after childcare leave (including prenatal and postnatal leave), we continue to provide employees with company-issued mobile phones during their childcare leave period. This allows them to stay in contact with the company, participate in e-learning programs, and as part of communication, we organize orientations and consultation sessions that they can attend with their babies.

  1. *1
    New daycare centers using open slots in daycare centers set up by other companies (number of centers in use as of May 2023)
  2. *2
    Benefit Station is a benefit welfare service provided by Benefit One Inc.
Consultation meeting held prior to maternity leave The program provides an explanation of the systems available during pregnancy and the procedures and benefits after childbirth, and provides opportunities to consult with HR.
Orientation during childcare leave An orientation open to both parent and child which takes place during childcare leave. We are organizing events such as explanations of preparations and systems for returning to work, sharing experiences from senior moms, and holding roundtable discussions among employees on leave.
Return to work orientation We are hosting events where we introduce the systems and internal communities available after returning to work, as well as roundtable discussions where employees can discuss their concerns after returning to work.

Building a strong employee support network in childcare

Building a strong employee support network in childcare

Oya Oya Club (Parents Club) was established in 2004 by a group of childcare peer supporters with the aim of improving parent-child communication.

The club provides communication training through workshops on basic counseling and coaching, which teach skills for understanding children's communication signals and building trust. The club also builds awareness in topics such as children's emotional development and parents' communication habits, both of which significantly influence communication. This nine-session course is held twice a year during employees' lunch break, and a mix of 20 male and female employees participate in each session. Depending on the growth of the employees' children, we have released “Regular,” “Elementary School,” and “Adolescent” versions, and a cumulative total of 820 employees have taken the course.

Other activities include the in-house community “Shine2”, which holds lunch meetings and lectures open to all employees, with the aim of building a network among employees and supporting child-rearing.

Promoting male participation in childcare

Declaring paternity leave for all fathers

Declaring paternity leave for all fathers

SoftBank Corp. supports the “Declaring paternity leave for all fathers” sponsored by WORK-LIFE BALANCE Co.,Ltd to promote paternity leave.

Many of the childcare support systems, such as the paid leave system for childbirth by a spouse, childcare leave, kid's leave, and short-time flex work, exceed statutory requirements, making it easier for employees to participate in childcare.

A portal site on the company intranet has been set up with information on childcare support, including interviews with male employees who are balancing work and childcare, as well as childcare-related systems and procedures. Efforts are being made to encourage male employees to take childcare leave, including the annual corporate version of a parents class to deepen understanding of the need for male childcare leave.

Supporting nursing care
and work balance

We have established a support system and information provision system to address the concerns and worries of employees who wish to balance work and nursing care.

Leave and holidays during nursing care

System Content Legal requirements in Japan Points of the system that exceed the legal minimum requirements
Long-term nursing care leave*1 Can be obtained for long-term care of family members Upon request from a worker, the worker must be allowed to take nursing care leave for a family member in need of nursing care up to three times for a total of 93 days
Eligible persons: spouse, parents, children, grandparents, siblings, grandchildren, and spouse's parents
  • Can be acquired for a total of one year
  • No limit on the number of times the leave can be taken in installments
  • Salary paid under accumulated annual leave
  • Can be obtained from the Nursing Care Insurance “Support Needed 1” equivalent
  • In addition to legally eligible persons, spouses of children, spouses of grandchildren, spouses of siblings, grandparents of spouses, and siblings of spouses
Nursing care leave*1,2 Can be obtained for family care, accompanying family members to hospital, etc Upon request from a worker, up to 5 days (unpaid) of leave per year shall be allowed for a family member in need of nursing care, on a daily or hourly basis
(Up to 10 days per year for two or more eligible family members)
Eligible persons: spouse, parents, children, grandparents, siblings, grandchildren, and spouse's parents
  • Each eligible family member is allowed 10 days per year. (e.g., up to 20 days for a family of two, up to 30 days for a family of three)
  • Salary paid under accumulated annual leave
  • Can be obtained from the Nursing Care Insurance “Support Needed 1” equivalent
  • In addition to legally eligible persons, spouses of children, spouses of grandchildren, spouses of siblings, grandparents of spouses, and siblings of spouses
  1. *1
    Unpaid unless replaced with accumulated annual leave
  2. *2
    Available in half days or hourly

Special work arrangements

System Content Legal requirements in Japan Points of the system that exceed the legal minimum requirements
Short working hours for nursing care*1,2,3 Flexible working hours with no core hours available with reduced monthly scheduled working hours With regard to workers who care for a family member in need of nursing care, measures such as a short-time work system that can be used at least twice in a period of at least three consecutive years must be established
  • No limitation on the period or number of times of use until the reason for long-term care ceases to exist
  • Available from the equivalent of “Support Needed 1” of the long-term care insurance
Flexible work schedule for nursing care*1,4 Flexible working hours with no core hours available No legal provisions
  • No limitation on the period or number of times of use until the reason for long-term care ceases to exist
  • Available from the equivalent of “Support Needed 1” of the long-term care insurance
Postponed and accelerated work schedule for nursing care Limitation or exemption of overtime work and late-night work Upon request of a worker who cares for a family member in need of nursing care, the worker must not work overtime or work more than 24 hours a month or 150 hours a year outside of his/her scheduled work hours. In addition, they must not work late at night (from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.)
  • No limit to the period or number of times the service can be used until the reason for nursing care ceases to exist
  • Available from the nursing care insurance equivalent of “Support Needed 1”
  1. *1
    Flexible hours: 7am to 10pm
  2. *2
    Working hours can be shortened by up to 2 hours and 45 minutes per day
  3. *3
    Employees in sales positions are eligible for nursing care shortened working hours
  4. *4
    Employees in sales positions are not eligible


System Content Legal requirements in Japan Points of the system that exceed the legal minimum requirements
Shinkansen or limited express train commuting for long-term caregivers Permitted for employees who have commuting difficulties due to long-term nursing care if meet the requirements No legal provisions Company's original system
Telecommuting Support the balance between nursing care and work by promoting flexible and efficient use of time, and promote a combination of work and home (best mix) to maximize performance No legal provisions Company's original system

Seminar to support balancing
work and nursing care

In response to a survey on nursing care for all employees, in which some said they did not understand the company's system or how to balance work and nursing care, we hold a seminar to support balancing work and nursing care once a year to provide employees with basic knowledge on nursing care and to support their efforts to balance work and nursing care. Through ongoing efforts, we will continue to promote the creation of an environment in which employees can engage in nursing care while working.