Internal Control System
Basic views on Internal Control System
and the progress of system development
The Company makes decisions on the following matters at the Board of Directors meetings in accordance with the Companies Act and an ordinance of the Ministry of Justice with regard to the system to ensure that the execution of duties by directors is in compliance with laws, regulations, and the Articles of Incorporation and the system to ensure the appropriateness of operations.
Systems to ensure that the execution of the duties of board directors and employees is in compliance with laws, regulations and the Articles of Incorporation of the Company
The Company has established the code of conduct to be followed by all board directors and employees to ensure that corporate activities are appropriate based not only on regulatory compliance, but also on high ethical standards, and has established the following structure to continuously reinforce the compliance system:
- (1)A chief compliance officer (CCO) is appointed. The CCO proposes and carries out measures required to establish and enhance the Company's compliance system.
- (2)A department in charge of compliance is established to assist the CCO.
- (3)A compliance officer and a compliance manager shall be placed in each business unit for thorough compliance.
- (4)Internal and external hotlines (compliance reporting desk) are established for direct reporting and consultations by board directors and employees, to quickly identify, rectify, and prevent the reoccurrence of any inappropriate issues in corporate activities. The Company ensures that persons who have reported or consulted on the hotlines will not be subjected to adverse treatment by prohibiting the adverse treatment of persons on the grounds of having reported or consulted on the hotline in the Whistleblowing Regulations.
- (5)Audit & Supervisory Board Members and the Audit & Supervisory Board request measures for improvements to the Board of Directors, if they identify issues in the system for compliance with laws, regulations, and the Articles of Incorporation.
System for the storage and management of information
regarding the execution of duties by board directors
The Company has established the following system to appropriately store and maintain information related to the execution of duties by board directors:
- (1)The Company determines retention periods and methods and measures to prevent accidents, based on the Basic Regulations for Information Security, and classifies and appropriately stores these documents according to their degree of confidentiality.
- (2)A chief information security officer (CISO) has been appointed as the person responsible for information security management, and persons responsible for information security are placed in each business unit to establish a system to store and manage information, based on the Basic Regulations for Information Security.
- (3)The Chief Data Officer Office has been established and a chief data officer (CDO) has been appointed. In addition, policies and rules have been set out to manage and strategically utilize internal and external data, and the internal management system for handling secrecy of communication and personal information has been strengthened.
Regulations and systems relating to managing the risk of loss
The Company has established the following system to avoid and minimize risk and to implement necessary measures related to the variety of risks in its business operations:
- (1)Based on the Risk Management Regulations, the risk management department summarizes the status of risk evaluation, analysis and response at each unit, and regularly reports its findings to the risk management committee consisting of representative directors and other committee members.
- (2)The risk management committee determines the degree of importance and owners of the risks, and confirms and promotes measures developed and taken by the risk owners, thereby reducing risks and preventing the occurrence of risk events. The risk management committee then regularly reports its findings to the board of directors.
- (3)When an emergency situation arises, an Emergency Response Headquarters will be established and efforts will be made to minimize the damage (loss) based on the instructions of the Emergency Response Department.
Systems to ensure the efficiency of board directors
in the execution of their duties
The Company has established the following structure to maintain an efficient management system:
- (1)The Company has set out the Rules of the Board of Directors to clarify matters to be decided and reported on by the Board of Directors, and the Internal Approval Regulations and other regulations relating to institutional decision-making to clarify decision-making authority.
- (2)To strengthen functions for overseeing the execution of duties and enhance objectivity in management, the Board of Directors includes external directors who are independent of the Company.
- (3)To ensure that the board directors can discuss matters fully at Board of Directors meetings, they are provided with materials for the meeting in advance, and with additional or supplementary materials upon their request.
- (4)The scope of operations and responsibilities necessary for operations are clearly defined in the Organization Management Regulations.
Systems to ensure appropriateness of operations of the Company
and the Group consisting of its parent and subsidiaries
The Company shares fundamental concepts and policies throughout the Group and reinforces the management system and compliance in accordance with the SoftBank Charter of Corporate Behavior, etc. In addition, the following systems have been established to apply rules shared by the Group to board directors and employees of the Group:
- (1)The CCO establishes and reinforces the compliance system of the Group. For practicing compliance, CCO gives advice, instructions, and orders to the CCOs of each Group company to ensure that such activities comply with the Group's basic compliance policy. The compliance reporting desk has also been established to receive reports and provide consultation to board directors and employees of the Group to quickly identify, rectify, and prevent the reoccurrence of any inappropriate issues in corporate activities. The Company ensures that persons who have reported or consulted on the Hotline will not be subjected to adverse treatment by prohibiting the adverse treatment of persons on the grounds of having reported or consulted on the Hotline in the Whistleblowing Regulations.
- (2)The Group Security Committee, composed of the persons responsible for information security in each Group company, has been established to report and share information on trends, plans and other matters related to information security. This Committee is headed by the CISO, who is responsible for information security in the Company.
- (3)The representative of each Group company must submit a Representative Oath pertaining to the financial reports submitted to the Company, thereby ensuring the accuracy of the annual securities report and other reports submitted by the Group.
- (4)The Internal Audit Unit comprehensively judges the results of past internal audits, financial position, and carries out internal audits of the Company and the Group companies deemed as having high risk.
- (5)While the Group addresses risk in an effort to reduce and prevent any possible risks, in the event of emergency, an immediate report to the Company is requested in accordance with the Risk Management Regulations. In addition, the Company will coordinate closely with each Group company according to the situation to minimize damage (loss).
System for excluding antisocial forces
The Company clearly states in the Regulations on Countermeasures against Antisocial Forces its policy of having absolutely no association with antisocial forces that pose a threat to public order and safety. The Company establishes an internal system to counter antisocial forces and has a responsible division in place to carry out overall management. For dealing with inappropriate requests from antisocial forces, the Company will firmly refuse those requests in a resolute manner in cooperation with the police and other external specialist institutions.
Matters relating to support staff that assists the Audit & Supervisory Board Members upon request for such placement from Audit & Supervisory Board Members, matters relating to the independence from the board directors, and matters relating to ensuring the effectiveness of instructions given to the relevant employees
The Company has established the Assistant to Audit Department as an organization to support the work of the Audit & Supervisory Board Members, and has assigned dedicated staff to this department. The appointment of the support staff is notified to the Audit & Supervisory Board Members, and any personnel changes, evaluations, or other such actions require the agreement of the Audit & Supervisory Board Members. In addition, directions and instructions to the support staff are issued by the Audit & Supervisory Board Members to ensure the effectiveness of the instructions.
System for reporting to the Audit & Supervisory Board Members by board directors and employees and other systems for reporting
to the Audit & Supervisory Board Members
Board directors and employees will report the following matters to the Audit & Supervisory Board Members or the Audit & Supervisory Board promptly(or immediately for any urgent matters including facts that may potentially cause severe damage to the Company):
- (1)Matters related to the compliance system or use of the compliance reporting desk.
- (2)Matters related to finances (including financial reporting and actual results against planned budget).
- (3)Matters related to human resources (including labor management).
- (4)The status of work related to risk matters on information security.
- (5)The status of work related to large-scale disaster and network disruption, etc.
- (6)The development status of internal control.
- (7)The status of work related to external fraud investigations.
- (8)Matters related to violations of laws, regulations, or the Articles of Incorporation.
- (9)Results of audits conducted by the Internal Audit Unit.
- (10)Other matters which could materially harm the Company or matters that the Audit & Supervisory Board Members have decided that need to be reported in order for them to execute their duties.
Other systems to ensure that the audits
by the Audit & Supervisory Board Members
are conducted effectively
- (1)When the Audit & Supervisory Board Members deem it necessary, opportunities shall be provided for them to interview board directors or employees of the Group. In addition, the Audit & Supervisory Board Members periodically meet with the Independent Auditor and the Audit & Supervisory Board Members of major subsidiaries and other entities for an exchange of information and to ensure cooperation, and also attend important meetings.
- (2)The Company ensures a system that persons who have reported or consulted with the Audit & Supervisory Board Members will not be treated disadvantageously on the grounds of having reported or consulted with the Audit & Supervisory Board Members.
- (3)The Company shall pay expenses relating to the Independent Auditor, the attorneys and other professionals, and other expenses associated with the execution of duties by the Audit & Supervisory Board Members.
Overview of the implementation status of systems to
ensure the appropriateness of operations
Matters concerning compliance
The Company continues to conduct compliance training for board directors and employees, as well as the offering of information and giving of advice, etc., as necessary, for enhancing the compliance system. In addition, the Company works to ensure the effectiveness of compliance of the Company through setting and operating hotlines so that board directors and employees of the Company and its subsidiaries can report and consult directly. Effects of these measures are reviewed and improved, as necessary.
Matters concerning risk
Based on the Risk Management Regulations, the risk management department summarizes the status of risk evaluation, analysis and response at each unit, and regularly reports its findings to the risk management committee consisting of board directors. The risk management committee determines the degree of importance and owners of the risks, and confirms and promotes measures developed and taken by the risk owners, thereby reducing risks and preventing the occurrence of risk events. The risk management committee then regularly reports its findings to the Board of Directors. The group companies also continuously work on reducing risks and preventing the occurrence thereof. In addition, the Company is working to strengthen its information management system through continued efforts such as holding awareness-raising activities with the aim to prevent inappropriate information management and divulging of confidential information.
Matters concerning internal audits
The Internal Audit Unit carries out audits on the effectiveness of the system for compliance with laws, regulations, and the Articles of Incorporation as well as the risk management process at the Company. In addition, the unit continuously carries out audits of Group companies deemed as having a high risk and reports the results of the audits to the representative director, president & CEO of the Company, as well as to the board of directors, audit & supervisory board members, and the audit & supervisory board.
Matters concerning the execution of duties
by board directors and employees
The Company ensures efficiency of the execution of duties by its board directors and employees based on internal regulations such as the Rules of the Board of Directors, Internal Approval Regulations and Organization Management Regulations. The Company also ensures an environment where matters can be fully discussed at the Board of Directors meetings by board directors.
Matters concerning duties of
Audit & Supervisory Board Members
Audit & Supervisory Board Members attend the Company's important meetings and arrange opportunities to interview board directors and employees of the Company and the Group, as necessary. In addition, they continue to enhance cooperation by holding regular meetings with the Independent Auditor and Audit & Supervisory Board Members, etc. of major subsidiaries. Through these efforts, Audit & Supervisory Board Members ensure the effectiveness of audits.