Management Policy and Strategy
Management policy
Guided by its corporate philosophy of “Information Revolution — Happiness for everyone,” SoftBank Corp. (the “Company” or “SoftBank” or “we”) and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) has been aiming to become a corporate group needed most by people around the world. We are developing a variety of businesses in the information and technology field while enhancing our telecommunications business and are working to maximize our corporate value by using the power of technology to solve social issues.
Vision & StrategyGrowth strategy
SoftBank Corp.'s “Beyond Carrier” growth strategy aims at sustainable growth in our core telecommunications business, while at the same time going beyond just being a telecommunications carrier to actively roll out new businesses in the information and technology field, with the aim of maximizing corporate value. In addition, by further strengthening ties between telecommunications business and those group businesses, we are promoting the creation of synergies, such as increasing the number of service users and enhance user engagement in the group businesses, while strengthening the competitiveness of the telecommunications business.

Medium-term Management Plan
In May 2023, we announced our medium-term management plan ending in FY2025.
Please refer to the presentation material for details.
Medium-term Management Plan (PDF: 10.6MB/55 pages)
Please refer to the earnings results briefing presentation material for the progress of the medium-term management plan.
IR Documents
Financial targets
Net income attributable to owners of the Company in FY2025:
Pursue record-high profit (¥535.0 billion)
The targets for FY2025 are as follows.
Targets in the Medium-term Management Plan (FY2025) | |
Net income attributable to owners of the Company | Pursue record-high profit (¥535.0 billion). |
Operating income | Return to the level before mobile service price reduction (FY2021: ¥970.0 billion). |
Non-financial targets
Procure all electricity needed for telecommunications business
from renewable energy generation, with more than half of
electricity generated from renewable energy by FY2030
Ratio of virtually renewable energy*1 of electricity consumption by the Company*2 | FY2025: 50% FY2030: 100% |
To achieve this target, we will not only use non-fossil certificates, but also promote energy conservation at our base stations, which account for half of our annual greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, we have entered into a major contract with a power producers to newly procure renewable energy*3, which we also expect to contribute to achieving our targets.

We have set “contributing to the global environment with the power of technology” as one of our material issues. We will contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society by utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI).
Material Issues
Shareholder returns
Focus on Both Medium- and Long-term Growth
and Shareholder Returns
We consider the return of profits to shareholders to be an important goal for our management along with increasing medium- to long-term corporate value.
Our dividend policy is to pay attention to the stability and sustainability of dividends while considering factors such as performance trends, financial condition and cash flow position on a comprehensive basis. Guided by this policy, for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025 (FY2024), the annual dividend per share is planned to be ¥8.6 (of which, interim dividend of ¥4.3 and year-end dividend of ¥4.3*4) for common shares, and a prescribed amount of dividend is planned for the Series 1 Bond-Type Class Shares and the Series 2 Bond-Type Class Shares.
Meanwhile, in order to increase our corporate value, we will make capital investments efficiently to further raise the sophistication of 5G, as well as continuing investments in new businesses.
Shareholder Returns and Dividends- [Notes]
- *1Includes the use of non-fossil certificates designated as renewable energy
- *2Total of SoftBank Corp. and Wireless City Planning Inc.
- *3Mainly renewable energy with additionality (effect of encouraging additional new renewable energy generation capacity)
- *4We have conducted a stock split at a ratio of 10 shares per common share, with the effective date being October 1, 2024. The dividend per share prior to October 1, 2024 has been adjusted to reflect this stock split.
- *1