Procurement Policy

Based on SoftBank's corporate philosophy of “Information Revolution — Happiness for Everyone,” we will strive to be a lifestyle-driven company that makes people's lives richer and more enjoyable.
To achieve these goals, we will conduct purchasing activities based on the following policies.

  1. Provision of fair opportunities for competition
    We will disclose information on purchasing transactions appropriately, and at the appropriate time, in order to provide fair competitive opportunities for all business partners and suppliers worldwide who wish to engage in these purchasing transactions, and we will avoid reciprocal dealings or excessive reliance on a specified supplier.
  2. Selection of business partners based on rational and clear criteria
    As a rule, we will obtain proposals and quotations from multiple business partners and suppliers, and choose suppliers based on clear and logical standards, such as quality, price, delivery, stable supply, and reliability. Furthermore, decisions related to the selection of suppliers will be made by the Procurement Division, independently from other divisions.
  3. Compliance with laws
    When engaging in procurement transactions, we will comply with all related laws and regulations, including antitrust laws and the Act Against Delay in 'Payment, etc.' to Subcontractors, and we will not undertake transactions that violate rights, such as third-party intellectual property rights.
  4. Management of confidential information provided by business partners
    Based on an awareness of the value of confidential information provided by business partners and suppliers, we will handle such information in the same way as our own confidential information, and will not disclose it to any third party without prior approval.
  5. Mutual confidence-building with business partners
    We place great value on communications with business partners and suppliers, and shall make every effort to build mutual trust relationships.
  6. Green procurement
    We will be conscious of environmental protection, procuring products and services with minimal environmental impact.
  7. Prohibition of mixing private relations
    We will not maintain private relationships with any business partners or suppliers, nor maintain personal interests in these entities.
  8. Commitment to Sustainability
    As we carry out our business activities, we place great importance on fulfilling our responsibility to realize a sustainable society throughout all aspects of the supply chain, including business partners and suppliers. With this in mind, we will actively and appropriately recognize cooperation with our own sustainability procurement activities, as well as sustainability activities undertaken by business partners and suppliers.

As a rule, we will use electronic transaction systems to promote the above procurement activities.
In addition, in light of recent increases in labor, raw material and energy costs, we will consult in good faith when determining transaction prices to ensure that prices are set to reflect market conditions.