Biography Atsushi Horiba

Atsushi Horiba
External Director
Atsushi Horiba
Date of birth:
February 5, 1948; 76 years old
Number of common shares held
in the Company: 4,100 shares
(As of June 20, 2024)
Sept. 1972 Joined HORIBA, Ltd.
June 1982 Director, HORIBA, Ltd.
June 1988 Senior Managing Director, HORIBA, Ltd.
Jan. 1992 Representative Director & President, HORIBA, Ltd.
June 1995 Representative Director & President, STEC Co., Ltd. (currently HORIBA STEC, Co., Ltd.)
June 2005 Chairman, Representative Director & President, HORIBA, Ltd.
Apr. 2016 Chairman & Representative Director, HORIBA STEC, Co., Ltd. (to present)
Jan. 2018 Chairman, Representative Director & Group CEO, HORIBA, Ltd. (to present)
June 2018 External Director, the Company (to present)
June 2021 Externa Director, Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. (to present)

Concurrent position in other listed companies

Chairman, Representative Director & Group CEO, HORIBA, Ltd.
Externa Director, Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

Atsushi Horiba has served as Representative Director of HORIBA, Ltd. for 32 years since 1992 and has extensive management experience in leading the global growth of the HORIBA Group.