Biography Yasuyuki Imai

Yasuyuki Imai
Director & Chairman
Yasuyuki Imai
Date of birth:
August 15, 1958; 65 years old
Number of common shares held
in the Company*: 1,913,100 shares
(As of June 20, 2024)
Apr. 1982 Joined Kajima Corporation
Apr. 2000 Joined SOFTBANK Corp. (currently SoftBank Group Corp.)
Oct. 2007 Corporate Officer, the Company
Apr. 2008 Managing Corporate Officer, the Company
June 2012 Director & Senior Managing Corporate Officer, the Company
Apr. 2015 Senior Managing Director, the Company
Apr. 2017 Representative Director & COO, the Company
Apr. 2018 Representative Director & COO, Enterprise Business Unit Head, the Company
Apr. 2024 Director & Chairman, the Company (to present)

Concurrent position in other listed companies


Since taking office as the Company's Corporate Officer in October 2007, Yasuyuki Imai has served in prominent positions at the Company, primarily head of the enterprise business unit. Since becoming the Company's Representative Director & COO in April 2017, he has contributed to the Company's growth. In addition, he has supervised the entire Group as the Company's Director & Chairman since April 2024.

  1. *
    The CEO and other Representative Directors of the company are required to maintain share ownership equal to at least three times base salary.