Biography Takehiro Kamigama

Takehiro Kamigama
External Director
Takehiro Kamigama
Date of birth:
January 12, 1958; 66 years old
Number of common shares held
in the Company: - shares
(As of June 20, 2024)
Apr. 1981 Joined Tokyo Denki Kagaku Kogyo K.K. (currently TDK Corporation)
June 2002 Corporate Officer, TDK Corporation
June 2003 Senior Vice President, TDK Corporation
June 2004 Director, Executive Vice President, TDK Corporation
June 2006 Representative Director & President, TDK Corporation
June 2016 Chairman & Representative Director, TDK Corporation
June 2017 External Director, OMRON Corporation (to present)
Mar. 2018 External Director, Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
June 2018 External Director, the Company (to present)
June 2018 Mission Executive, TDK Corporation
Mar. 2021 External Director, KOKUYO Co., Ltd. (to present)
July 2021 Chief Consultant, Contemporary Amperex Technology Japan KK (to present)
Aug. 2021 Representative Director, Gama Expert, Inc. (to present)

Concurrent positions in other listed companies

External Director, OMRON Corporation
External Director, KOKUYO Co., Ltd.

Takehiro Kamigama served as Representative Director of TDK Corporation for 12 years since 2006, and has extensive management experience and leadership in enhancing the profitability of its operations and expanding its business fields.