Biography Kazuko Kimiwada

Kazuko Kimiwada
Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Kazuko Kimiwada
Date of birth:
May 16, 1960; 64 years old
Number of common shares held
in the Company: 5,000 shares
(As of June 20, 2024)
Sept. 1982 Passed the secondary examination for Certified Public Accountant
Apr. 1983 Joined Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLC (currently Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC)
Aug. 1986 Passed the tertiary examination for Certified Public Accountant; registered as a Certified Public Accountant
Apr. 1995 Joined Mallinckrodt Medical, Inc.
Feb. 1996 Joined SOFTBANK Corp. (currently SoftBank Group Corp.)
Oct. 2000 Accounting Manager, SOFTBANK Corp.
Nov. 2004 Accounting Manager & Related Business Manager, SOFTBANK Corp.
Apr. 2007 Accounting Manager & Internal Control Manager, SOFTBANK Corp.
July 2012 Corporate Officer, SOFTBANK Corp.
June 2014 External Audit & Supervisory Board Member, the Company
June 2016 Audit & Supervisory Board Member, the Company (to present)
Sept. 2016 Corporate Officer, Head of Accounting Unit, SoftBank Group Corp.
June 2017 Corporate Officer, Senior Vice President, Head of Accounting Unit, SoftBank Group Corp. (to present)
June 2018 Director, Audit & Supervisory Committee Member, Yahoo Japan Corporation (currently LY Corporation)

Concurrent position in other listed companies

Corporate Officer, Senior Vice President, Head of Accounting Unit, SoftBank Group Corp.

Kazuko Kimiwada has extensive knowledge and experience as a certified public accountant, and serves as Executive Corporate Officer, Head of Accounting Unit at SoftBank Group Corp.