Biography Naomi Koshi

Naomi Koshi
Date of birth:
July 5, 1975; 48 years old
Number of common shares held
in the Company: - shares
Oct. 2002 | Registered as a lawyer |
Oct. 2002 | Lawyer, Nishimura & Partners (currently Nishimura & Asahi) |
June 2009 | Graduated from Harvard Law School, LL.M |
Oct. 2009 | Joined Debevoise & Plimpton LLP |
Jan. 2010 | Admitted to the New York State Bar |
Sept. 2010 | Visiting Fellow, Center on Japanese Economy and Business, Columbia Business School |
Jan. 2012 | Mayor, Otsu City |
Mar. 2020 | External Director, V-Cube, Inc. |
Sept. 2020 | Partner Lawyer, Miura & Partners (to present) |
Jan. 2021 | Admitted to the California State Bar |
Feb. 2021 | Co-Founder and CEO, OnBoard K.K. (to present) |
June 2021 | External Director, the Company (to present) |
Dec. 2023 | Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. (to present) |
Concurrent position in other listed companies Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. |
In addition to her extensive knowledge and experience as a lawyer in Japan and overseas, Naomi Koshi engages in a broad range of activities including municipal government initiatives and support measures for the promotion of women's career advancement.