Biography Kazuaki Oki

Kazuaki Oki
External Director
Kazuaki Oki
Date of birth:
May 30, 1957; 67 years old
Number of common shares held
in the Company: 1,000 shares
(As of June 20, 2024)
Oct. 1984 Joined Aoyama Audit Corporation
July 2003 Representative Partner, ChuoAoyama Audit Corp.
Sept. 2006 Representative Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers Aarata (currently PwC Japan LLC)
July 2017 Head of Oki CPA Office (to present)
July 2017 External Director, Shizuoka Bank (Europe) S.A.
Mar. 2018 Supervisory Officer, NIPPON LIFE PRIVATE REIT Inc. (to present)
June 2018 External Director, the Company (to present)
June 2018 Representative Partner, Chiyoda Audit Corporation (to present)

Concurrent position in other listed companies


Kazuaki Oki has extensive knowledge and experience as a certified public accountant.