Press Releases 2009

‘Osaifu-Keitai’ Compatible Handsets Top 10 Million

TOKYO, February 13, 2009 --- SOFTBANK MOBILE Corp. (hereafter ‘SBM’) announced that its ‘Osaifu-Keitai’ (S! FeliCa) compatible handsets exceeded 10 million as of February 12, 2009. The achievement comes approximately 3 years and 3 months after the service launched in November 2005.

‘Osaifu-Keitai’ is a service that lets customers use their SoftBank handsets in a variety of ways that are relevant to their daily lives, such as for transportation and commutation ticketing, electronic money shopping, credit card, membership card and point card services. There are currently 50 ‘Osaifu-Keitai’ compatible models and 39 supported services. In addition, a variety of ‘S! Appli’ are preinstalled for customers to enjoy the ‘Osaifu-Keitai’ services right after purchasing a new handset.

SBM will continue to expand the compatible handset lineup and services, and aim to offer more convenient ‘Osaifu-Keitai’ services.

Compatible Handsets (as of February 12, 2009)

‘Osaifu-Keitai’ compatible handsets (50 models)

703SHf, 804SH, 810SH, 811SH, 812SH, Hawks Keitai 812SH, GENT 812SH s, GENT 812SH sII, 813SH, 814SH, 815SH, THE PREMIUM 820SH, THE PREMIUM 821SH, THE PREMIUM TEXTURE 823SH, 824SH, 825SH, NEW PANTONE 830SH, GENT 830SH s, 904SH, 905SH, 910SH, 911SH, 912SH, FULLFACE 913SH, 913SH G TYPE-CHAR, 920SH, 920SH YK, FULLFACE 2 921SH, 923SH, 930SH, FULLTOUCH 931SH, 932SH, 814T, fanfun. 815T, Phone Braver 815T PB, fanfun.2 830T, 904T, 911T, 912T, 920T, 921T, TROPICAL 823P, MIRROR II 824P, 920P, 921P, 930P, 830CA, DM001SH*, DM002SH*, DM003SH*

‘Mobile Suica’ compatible handsets (of which 47 models)

810SH, 811SH, 812SH, Hawks Keitai 812SH, GENT 812SH s, GENT 812SH sII, 813SH, 814SH, 815SH, THE PREMIUM 820SH, THE PREMIUM 821SH, THE PREMIUM TEXTURE 823SH, 824SH, 825SH, NEW PANTONE 830SH, GENT 830SH s, 904SH, 905SH, 910SH, 911SH, 912SH, FULLFACE 913SH, 913SH G TYPE-CHAR, 920SH, 920SH YK, FULLFACE 2 921SH, 923SH, 930SH, FULLTOUCH 931SH, 932SH, 814T, fanfun. 815T, Phone Braver 815T PB, fanfun.2 830T, 911T, 912T, 920T, 921T, TROPICAL 823P, MIRROR II 824P, 920P, 921P, 930P, 830CA, DM001SH*, DM002SH*, DM003SH*

‘Capacity increase / data transfer’ compatible handsets (of which 10 models)

923SH, 930SH, FULLTOUCH 931SH, 932SH, TROPICAL 823P, MIRROR II 824P, 920P, 921P, 930P, 830CA

  • * Disney Mobile handsets are distributed by SBM.

Access to preinstalled S! Appli

Main Menu → Tools → Osaifu-Keitai → Lifestyle-Appli

  • * Menu tree structure is subject to handset model.

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  • * FeliCa is the contactless IC card technology developed by Sony Corporation.
  • * FeliCa is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation.
  • * Osaifu-Keitai is a registered trademark of NTT DOCOMO, INC. in Japan.
  • * Mobile Suica is a registered trademark of East Japan Railway Company.
  • * PANTONE Colors displayed here may not match PANTONE-identified standards. Consult current PANTONE Color Publications for accurate color.
  • * PANTONE is a trademark of Pantone, Inc. in the United States and / or other countries. © Pantone, Inc., 2009. All rights reserved.
  • * S! Appli, GENT, The PREMIUM, FULLFACE, FULLTOUCH, Mirror, TROPICAL and TEXTURE are registered trademarks or trademarks of SOFTBANK MOBILE Corp.
  • * SOFTBANK, SOFTBANK’s equivalent in Japanese and the SOFTBANK logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of SOFTBANK CORP. in Japan and other countries.
  • * The names of the companies, products and services used in this press release are registered trademarks or trademarks of the respective companies.
  • The information is true and accurate at the time of publication.
    Price, specification, contact and other information of products and service may be subjected to change. The information contains certain forward-looking statements that are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements.