Press Releases 2019

Notice of Payment of Dividends

May 21, 2019
SoftBank Corp.

SoftBank Corp. (“The Company”) announces that at the meeting of the Board of Directors held on May 21, 2019, its Board of Directors resolved the distribution of dividend from capital surplus with a record date of March 31, 2019 as follows.

1. Details of Dividend

Resolved Latest forecast
(announced on
May 8, 2019)
Total amount of
dividends for the fiscal
year ending
March 31, 2018
Record date March 31, 2019 Same as on the left -
Dividend per share JPY 37.50 Same as on the left JPY 181.43
Total dividend JPY 179,518 million - JPY 744,402 million
Effective date June 10, 2019 - March 28, 2018
Dividend resource Retained earnings - Capital surplus

2. Reason

The Company considers the return of profits to shareholders to be an important priority along with the increase in corporate value in the mid- to long-term. The Company's dividend policy is to consider performance trends, financial condition and the Company's dividend payout ratio on a comprehensive basis while paying attention to the stability and sustainability of dividends. Based on the above policy, the Company aims to pay stable per-share dividends, with a guideline dividend payout ratio to net income of approximately 85% on a consolidated basis.

The Company has set the year-end dividend for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019 at JPY 37.50 per share, in light of the above policy and the period between the listing of the Company's shares on December 19, 2018 and the record date for the dividends at the end of the fiscal year, as previously announced.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, the Company plans to pay an annual dividend of JPY 85.00 per share, including an interim dividend of JPY 42.50 per share.

(Reference) Breakdown of annual dividend

Record Date Fiscal year ending March 31, 2019 Fiscal year ending March 31, 2020
Interim Year-end Total Interim Year-end Total
Dividends per
share (JPY)
- 37.50 37.50 42.50