Press Releases 2019

Notice of Changes in Specified Subsidiaries

November 13, 2019
SoftBank Corp.

SoftBank Corp. (“The Company”) announces the following changes in specified subsidiaries of the Company.

1. Reason for the Change

As stated in the “Notice Concerning the Additional Acquisition of Shares Intended to Make Yahoo Japan Corporation a Consolidated Subsidiary” dated May 8, 2019, the Company made Z Holdings Co., Ltd. (formerly Yahoo Japan Corporation, hereinafter “ZHD”) a subsidiary on June 27, 2019. As a result, the following two subsidiaries of ZHD became specified subsidiaries of the Company as of the same date.

2. Overview of specified subsidiaries

ASKUL Corporation

1. Trade name ASKUL Corporation
2. Address Toyosu Cubic Garden, 3-2-3 Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo
3. Name and title of representative Akira Yoshioka, President & CEO
4. Nature of business Mail-order service of office-related products and other delivery services
5. Share capital 21,189 million yen
6. Founded November 1963
7. Major shareholders and shareholding ratios
(As of May 20, 2019)
Yahoo Japan Corporation 45.13%
PLUS Corporation 11.63%
Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities, Co., Ltd. 3.00%
Shoichiro Iwata 1.78%
Hidehisa Imaizumi 1.56%
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 1.55%
Tadahisa Imaizumi 1.55%
8. Relationship between the Company and ASKUL Corporation
Capital relationship The Company owns 44.63% of ZHD, the parent company of ASKUL Corporation.
Personnel relationship Not applicable.
Business relationship The Company and ASKUL Corporation have business transactions related to office-related products and telecommunications services.
9. Results of operations and financial position of ASKUL Corporation for the most recent three-year period
Fiscal year end Fiscal Year Ended
May 2017
Fiscal Year Ended
May 2018
Fiscal Year Ended
May 2019
Revenue 335,914 million yen 360,445 million yen 387,470 million yen
Ordinary income 8,866 million yen 3,940 million yen 4,418 million yen
Net income attributable to owners of parent 1,014 million yen 4,693 million yen 434 million yen
Total assets 155,678 million yen 173,713 million yen 169,112 million yen
Net assets 46,231 million yen 49,344 million yen 48,631 million yen
Net income per share 19.75 yen 92.15 yen 8.52 yen
Net assets per share 905.01 yen 964.46 yen 948.44 yen

The Japan Net Bank, Limited

1. Trade name The Japan Net Bank, Limited
2. Address 2-1-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
3. Name and title of representative Tomohito Takusari, President
4. Nature of business Banking business
5. Share capital 37,250 million yen
6. Founded September 2000
7. Major shareholders and shareholding ratios
(As of October 1, 2019)
Z Financial Corporation. 46.57%
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation 46.57%
Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company, Limited 0.52%
8. Relationship between the Company and The Japan Net Bank, Limited
Capital relationship The Company owns 44.63% of ZHD, the parent company of The Japan Net Bank, Limited.
Personnel relationship Not applicable.
Business relationship The Company and The Japan Net Bank, Limited have business transactions related to telecommunications services.
9. Results of operations and financial position of The Japan Net Bank, Limited in the most recent three-year period
Fiscal year end Fiscal Year Ended
March 2017
Fiscal Year Ended
March 2018
Fiscal Year Ended
March 2019
Ordinary income 26,359 million yen 28,407 million yen 29,001 million yen
Net operating profits 3,020 million yen 1,944 million yen 1,824 million yen
Ordinary profits 2,934 million yen 2,950 million yen 1,629 million yen
Net income 2,069 million yen 2,091 million yen 1,124 million yen
Total assets 761,886 million yen 830,186 million yen 880,428 million yen
Net assets 59,600 million yen 60,768 million yen 55,294 million yen
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