Press Releases 2020
Paper Selected for Presentation at International
Conference Eurographics & Eurovis 2020
A new real-time clothing simulation utilizing virtual characters
June 12, 2020
SoftBank Corp.
SoftBank Corp. (“SoftBank”) has announced that a paper written by SoftBank's Advanced Technology Promotion Office in the IT Division, in cooperation with Swedish company Deform Dynamics (“the paper”), was selected for presentation at one of the most prestigious international conferences in the field of computer graphics, Eurographics and Eurovis 2020 (hosted by Eurographics, “EGEV2020”), held online from May 25-29, 2020. The paper was presented during the EGEV2020 Modelling — Simulation — Visualization session.
In the paper, in addition to an algorithm for creating clothing from clothing patterns, a method for fast collision detection between the clothing mesh* and the mesh of a virtual character (Mesh Collider), preventing clothing from passing through the surface of the character and allowing for real-time simulation of the motion of clothes-wearing characters, was described. These features typically involve tremendous computational complexity, but the paper describes algorithms that can dramatically reduce this complexity.
- [Note]
- *In 3D computer graphics, a mesh refers to the collection of polygonal faces that compose the surface of an object.
- *
Until now, real-time clothing simulations have used simplified body shapes, leading to visibly unnatural contact between clothes and the body, making those simulations unusable in the fashion industry. In its current research, SoftBank and Deform Dynamics succeeded in creating a real-time clothing simulation naturally fitted to bodies using an original collision detection algorithm. With this algorithm, previously difficult simulations, such as those with layered clothing and clothes made from multiple fabrics, are now possible. Furthermore, SoftBank and Deform Dynamics have developed a user interface that can freely sew together clothing from various clothing patterns. With these features, it is now possible to clothe a figure with any kind of physique in various types of clothing and simulate this in real-time.
By implementing this research in applications such as online virtual fitting and character creation in online games, new user experiences and more productive 3D graphics workflows for creators are anticipated.
Below are the details of the paper selected for presentation at EGEV2020.
Title of Paper
SoftBank and Deform Dynamics have developed a tool to visually stitch together clothing patterns to clothe a virtual character and simulate the motion of the clothing as the character moves in real-time. Fashion designers, pattern makers, or 3D computer graphics artists can import clothing patterns from any CAD tool. Then, after arranging 2D clothing parts around any 3D character, seams are defined, and the parts are sewn together. By numerically simulating cloth self-collision and collision with the character, it is possible to modify the patterns while watching them move in real-time. SoftBank and Deform Dynamics are proposing a new content production pipeline that allows for a motion-aware clothing design process.

Multi-layered dress example: starting from a clothing pattern, a virtual body is clothed in a dress. By moving the character, the dress sways in real-time.
Demo Video
About Eurographics
Founded in 1980, Eurographics is a computer graphics association based in Europe. Its members work at the cutting edge in fields such a computer graphics, multimedia, visualization, and human-computer interaction. The Eurographics international conference is a rank A conference, and one of the most prestigious of the field, alongside SIGGRAPH and SIGGRAPH Asia.
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