Press Releases 2023

SoftBank Corp. Joins GSMA Open Gateway to
Accelerate Global Telecommunication Cooperation

SoftBank will participate to strengthen 5G advancement through common APIs

September 20, 2023
SoftBank Corp.

SoftBank Corp. (“SoftBank”) announced today its participation in the “GSMA*1 Open Gateway” initiative, the industry association for telecommunication operators, which aims to develop a common API*2 framework.

The GSMA Open Gateway aims to offer application developers and similar entities consistent access to mobile operator networks around the world.

With the advent of 5G, there are high expectations for the deployment of new services utilizing APIs that collaborate with networks, such as on-demand path switching and optimization control based on communication conditions. By promoting API standardization, application service providers will enhance compatibility and connectivity with domestic and international communication service providers, enabling seamless service expansion. This initiative aims to foster industry-wide growth by increasing opportunities for collaboration between communication service providers and application service providers, facilitating the realization of diverse business models and rapid market deployment.

SoftBank aims to open the door to amplified collaboration opportunities between telecommunication operators and application service providers, encouraging a myriad of business model innovations and accelerating market deployment, thereby driving growth across the industry.

  1. *1
    GSM Association (GSMA): the telecommunications industry's largest association with more than 1,000 members from 220 countries and regions, including about 800 mobile operators.
  2. *2
    Application Programming Interface (API): a mechanism that links different software, programs, etc. so that external data can be acquired.
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