External Evaluations and Initiatives
SoftBank has gained authentication from domestic and overseas organizations by promoting ESG initiatives,
and endorses ESG related initiatives.
Approved initiatives
The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) adopted by the United Nations in 2015 are a global initiative which establishes 17 goals and 169 targets for creating a bountiful and vibrant future to be achieved on a global scale by 2030.
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)
SoftBank signed the “United Nations Global Compact” global framework for the realization of sustainable growth in May 2020. As a signatory company, SoftBank shall carry out responsible business activities in accordance with the “Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact” while also taking action directed at the social goals of the SDGs to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society.
Children's Rights in Sport Principles (UNICEF)
We support the “Children's Rights in Sport Principles” advocated by UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) and the Japan Committee for UNICEF. The principles were established on November 20, 2018 so that sports can truly support the healthy growth of children and contribute to the promotion of children's rights.
The Valuable 500
“The valuable 500,” an initiative to promote the active participation of people with disabilities.
Launched at the World Economic Forum's annual meeting in January 2019, we support and join this initiative to bring about reforms that enable people with disabilities to realize the potential value they bring to business, society and the economy.