Notices 2021

SoftBank Corp. to join ETI-CGC
(Energy Transition Initiative-Center for Global Commons)
led by the University of Tokyo's Center
for Global Commons and Japan-based Enterprises

November 5, 2021
SoftBank Corp.

SoftBank Corp. (“SoftBank”) is pleased to announce its participation in the Energy Transition Initiative-Center for Global Commons (ETI-CGC), an industry-academia collaborative platform established by the University of Tokyo's Center for Global Commons (CGC) together with Japan-based companies to discuss courses of action and policies to support the Government of Japan's goal to achieve net zero carbon emissions by the middle of this century.

In the current 5G era where everything is connected and even more IoT devices are coming online, data usage volumes are rapidly growing. As a result, network infrastructure and digital platforms that support these different types of devices and communications will become even more sophisticated and necessary as social infrastructure. At the same time, energy consumption related to network operations is set to rise as usage patterns become increasingly diverse and widely adopted by society.

To meet the growing demand for energy, renewable energy sources are expected to be further utilized and various efforts around the world are being made to implement them in business. However, even with those efforts, it will be difficult to fully meet energy demands. If there is a continued reliance on fossil fuels to bridge the gap, the earth's climate will be negatively impacted by greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

While SoftBank is operating digital platforms that support social infrastructure and driving digital transformations (DX) across various industries, it recognizes the need to pursue energy conservation and energy efficiency at various levels, from communications infrastructure to devices. SoftBank also recognizes the need to optimize the demand-supply balance across the entire industrial structure. SoftBank believes these energy needs are critical issues that must be addressed to reduce environmental impacts and realize a sustainable society.

SoftBank will participate in various ETI-CGC activities and share its business know-how and perspectives gained through its current business operations in providing DX solutions, Digital Twin, and its telecommunications network infrastructure to contribute to the realization of the Government of Japan's goal of reducing GHG emissions to zero by 2050.

SoftBank announced its “Carbon Neutral 2030” declaration in May 2021. The pledge aims to reduce the amount of GHG emissions from electricity and other sources used in telecommunications business activities to virtually zero by 2030, as the international community aims to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to mitigate climate change and realize a sustainable world. SoftBank will continue to work to improve energy efficiency and optimize energy use by utilizing the most advanced technologies, and actively promote the introduction of renewable energy to its operations.

More information on ETI-CGC.

More information on SoftBank's “Carbon Neutral 2030” declaration.