Press Releases 2019
SoftBank Corp. Joins “The Valuable 500” Initiative
to Promote Disability Inclusion
December 6, 2019
SoftBank Corp.
SoftBank Corp. (TOKYO: 9434) today announced that it endorsed and signed on to “The Valuable 500,” an initiative created to promote the participation of disabled people in business.
Responding to the needs of a diverse society is an important business initiative for SoftBank Corp. One related initiative is its “Short Time Work Program*” that provides a comfortable work environment and shorter work hours for people with disabilities.
Launched at the World Economic Forum's Annual Summit in Davos in January 2019, The Valuable 500 aims to get global business leaders to commit to accountable action on disability inclusion to unlock the business, social and economic value of people living with disabilities across the world.
SoftBank Corp.'s Valuable 500 Commitment
1. Corporate Policy
Based on our corporate philosophy “Information Revolution — Happiness for everyone,” we contribute to realizing a future in which people with diverse traits, with or without disabilities, can play active roles in society.
2. Providing a Work Environment Where Everyone Can Play an Active Role
We provide an environment that has opportunities, career paths, and support so persons with disabilities can fully exercise their capabilities.
3. Creating Work Opportunities
We create opportunities so people with diverse traits can work together. We do this by providing work environments for persons with disabilities where they can choose to work on a short-term basis, among other programs.
4. Collaborating and Co-existing with Society
We strive to realize a society where people with diverse traits can live comfortably by providing services to support persons with disabilities in their everyday lives. We also develop and promote various employment programs by collaborating with other companies and local governments to realize a society where persons with disabilities can work together with them.
5. Providing Information
We disseminate information broadly to inform society about our measures to support persons with disabilities and the significance of such support.
Through these measures, we at SoftBank strive to build an environment where services to support persons with disabilities are provided to encourage their participation in a society where everyone can fulfill their potential.
SoftBank Corp. Initiatives to Realize a Diverse Society
- [Notes]
- *The Short Time Work Program enables people at SoftBank Corp. who are unable to work long hours due to mental or developmental disabilities the opportunity work up to 20 hours per week. SoftBank Corp. is also promoting the Short Time Work Alliance, an inter-regional and inter-industry alliance that aims to spread the Short Time Work Program.
- *
- SoftBank, the SoftBank name and logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of SoftBank Group Corp. in Japan and other countries.
- Other company, product and service names in this press release are registered trademarks or trademarks of the respective companies.