ESG Data

SoftBank Corp. and major subsidiaries' data related to ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) on our business activities are disclosed by items.

Climate Change

Category [Unit] Boundary Coverage FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Results Target
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions
GHG Scope 1 [t-CO2] ★ FY23:
15,803 15,416 10,709 13,998 6,369 8,000
GHG Scope 2 [t-CO2] ★ 760,301 605,513 697,825 565,921 514,293 539,000
GHG Scope 3 [t-CO2] ★ FY23:
5,931,433 3,121,487*1 8,685,602 9,368,649 9,287,493 9,660,000*2
Sum of Scope 1 and 2 [t-CO2] FY23:
776,104 620,929 708,534 579,919 520,662 547,000
Sum of Scope 1, 2 and 3 [t-CO2] FY23:
6,707,537 3,742,416 9,394,136 9,948,568 9,808,155 10,207,000
Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Scope 1, 2)
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) from Energy Sources [t] FY23:
776,104 620,474 707,959 579,349 519,874 -
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) from Non-Energy Sources [t] - 0 0 0 0 -
Methane (CH4) [t-CO2] ★ - 293 25 17 67 -
Dinitrogen Monoxide (N2O) [t-CO2] ★ - 0.03 3.00 2.35 9.22 -
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) [t-CO2] ★ - 162 547 551 712 -
Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) [t-CO2] ★ - 0 0 0 0 -
Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) [t-CO2] ★ - 0 0 0 0 -
Nitrogen Trifluoride (NF3) [t-CO2] ★ - 0 0 0 0 -
GHG Emissions Intensity
Intensity (Scope 1, 2)*3 [t-CO2/Gbps] - 628 411 359 249 204 -
  1. *1
    The coverage for FY20 greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3) differs from other years.
  2. *2
    Setting the target that account for the expanded coverage
  3. *3
    Greenhouse gas emissions at 1 Gbps
Category [Unit] Boundary Coverage FY2024 FY2025 FY2026 FY2027 FY2028 FY2029 FY2030
Mid/long-term Plan for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Sum of Scope 1 and 2 [t-CO2] 100% 520,000 506,000 482,000 457,000 433,000 409,000 0
Category [Unit] Boundary Coverage FY2023
Description of calculation
Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Scope 3) ★
Category 1: Purchased Goods and Services [t-CO2] FY23:
Calculated by multiplying the purchase price of products and services by the CO2 emission factor, including the procurement and transportation processes
Category 2: Capital Goods [t-CO2] 1,094,719
Calculated by multiplying the capital investment amount by the CO2 emission factor of capital goods
Category 3: Fuel- and Energy-Related Activities Not Included in Scope 1 or Scope 2 [t-CO2] 952,921
Calculated by multiplying fuel/electric power consumption by the CO2 emission factor for fuel procurement in manufacturing processes and, for electric power procured for sale from external sources, calculated by multiplying the amount of electric power by the CO2 emission factor upon fuel procurement
Category 4: Upstream Transportation and Distribution [t-CO2] 215,315
Calculated by multiplying transportation costs by the CO2 emission factor for transportation between bases and shipping (Procurement transportation is included in Category 1)
Category 5: Waste Generated in Operations [t-CO2] 2,937
Calculated by multiplying the weight of industrial waste by the CO2 emission factor for each kind of waste disposal method
Category 6: Business Travel [t-CO2] 23,097
Calculated by multiplying the amount paid for transportation allowances by the CO2 emission factor for each transportation category, by multiplying the number of days of accommodation by the CO2 emission factor per day of accommodation, and by multiplying the total travel distance of rental cars by the CO2 emission factor for each fuel type and maximum loading capacity
Category 7: Employee Commuting [t-CO2] 26,095
Calculated by multiplying the total commuting distance of employees by the CO2 emission factor per km of travelers for each transportation category and multiplying the power consumption during telework by the CO2 emission factor of electric power
Category 8: Upstream Leased Assets [t-CO2] 449,889
Calculated by multiplying the total floor area of warehouses and rental offices by the CO2 emission factor per area for each building use and by multiplying the electric power consumption of telecommunications equipment installed and operated at rental properties by the CO2 emission factor for electric power
Category 9: Downstream Transportation and Distribution [t-CO2] 627,508
For shipping, it is calculated by multiplying transportation costs by the CO2 emission factor
Category 10: Processing of Sold Products [t-CO2] 0
(Not to be calculated)
Category 11: Use of Sold Products [t-CO2] 2,559,800
Calculated by multiplying the number of products sold/rented by lifelong power consumption of each product and the CO2 emission factor of electric power
Category 12: End-of-Life Treatment of Sold Products [t-CO2] 181,231
Calculated by multiplying the total weight of products sold by the CO2 emission factor for each kind of waste
Category 13: Downstream Leased Assets [t-CO2] 67,688
Calculated by multiplying the number of units rented by electric power consumption and the CO2 emission factor for electric power
Category 14: Franchises [t-CO2] 24,429
Calculated by multiplying the total floor area of franchise shops by the CO2 emission factor per area for each building use
Category 15: Investments [t-CO2] 0
(Not to be calculated)
Total 9,287,493
Category [Unit] Boundary Cover-age FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Results Target
Energy (Electricity)
Electric Power Consumption ★
[GJ] FY23:
14,206,182 14,519,779 18,293,115 19,689,713 21,045,148 21,686,400
[MWh] 1,644,234 1,680,530 2,117,259 2,278,902 2,435,781 2,510,000
Renewable Energy Consumption ★
[GJ] FY23:
280,938 2,805,978 5,453,983 8,627,653 10,729,394 10,938,240
[MWh] 32,516 324,766 631,248 998,571 1,241,828 1,266,000
Renewable Energy Rate ★
[%] FY23:
2.0 19.3 29.8 43.8 51.0 50.4
Electric Power Consumption in Data Centers ★
[GJ] FY23:
2,277,677 2,347,583 4,616,136 4,888,719 5,914,529 6,048,000
[MWh] 263,620 271,711 534,275 565,824 684,552 700,000
└ Renewable Energy Consumption ★
[GJ] FY23:
180,351 203,066 1,157,293 2,193,376 2,971,693 3,024,000
[MWh] 20,874 23,503 133,946 253,863 343,946 350,000
└ Renewable Energy Rate ★
[%] FY23:
7.9 8.6 25.1 44.9 50.2 50.0
└ Power Usage Effectiveness
[-] FY23:
1.57 1.50 1.42 1.34 1.37 1.40
Energy Consumption Intensity*1
[MWh/Gbps] FY23:
1,296 1,124 1,084 979 890 950
Energy (Other)
City Gas ★
[GJ] FY23:
202,860 221,130 146,546 138,052 22,841 -
[m³] 4,508,000 4,914,000 3,256,578 3,067,817 507,580
Heavy Oil A ★
[GJ] FY23:
6,224 7,702 8,286 13,771 7,858 -
[kL] 160 198 213 354 202
Gasoline ★
[GJ] FY23:
- 153 3,467 38,751 15,097 -
[kL] - 5 104 1,160 452
Warm Water, Cold Water and Steam ★
[GJ] FY23:
54,280 53,042 63,087 74,169 70,599 -
Light Oil ★
[GJ] FY23:
7 850 739 19,124 24,054 -
[kL] 0 22 19 503 633
Liquefied Petroleum Gas ★
[GJ] FY23:
3 2 15 935 403 -
[m³] 23 17 139 8,547 3,688
Kerosene ★
[GJ] FY23:
3,506 2,960 9,224 22,475 18,068 -
[kL] 96 81 253 616 495
Liquefied Natural Gas ★
[GJ] FY23:
- - - - - -
[m³] - - - - -
Total Energy Consumption
Total Energy Consumption [GJ] FY23:
14,473,061 14,805,617 18,524,480 19,996,990 21,204,067 -
Renewable Energy [GJ] 280,938 2,805,978 5,453,983 8,627,653 10,729,394 -
Nonrenewable Energy [GJ] 14,192,123 11,999,639 13,070,498 11,369,337 10,474,674 -
  1. *1
    Electric power consumption at 1 Gbps
  2. *
    In FY30, electric power consumption is estimated to be 3,900,000 MWh. We have set the goal of using 100% virtually renewable energy for all electric power consumption by FY30.
  3. *
    Heat value (GJ) references conversion factors taken from the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy's crude oil conversion tool.

Resources and Waste

Category [Unit] Boundary Cover-age FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Results Target
Industrial Waste
Discharge Amount [t] ★ FY23:
5,226 6,313 6,196 6,398 6,696 7,000*1
Recycling Amount [t] ★ 5,073 5,482 5,668 5,841 6,395 -
Final Disposal Amount*2 [t] ★ 153 831 528 557 301 500
Hazardous Waste (PCB)
Disposal Amount [t] - - 0.49 0.18 0.22 1.60 1.60
Communication Equipment of Removed Base Stations
Final Disposal Rate [%] - 1.40 0.51 0.20 0.04 0.03 1.00
Used Mobile Phones
Devices to be Reused or Recycled [Mobile Phones] - 2,425,840 2,541,078 2,532,827 2,229,218 2,567,975 -
  1. *1
    Setting targets that account for the expanded coverage
  2. *2
    The calculation method was changed from FY20.


Category [Unit] Boundary Coverage FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Results Target
Use of Water*1
Water Withdrawal (Total)*2 [m³] ★ FY23:
1,191,210 1,330,834 675,729 731,594 1,854,053 1,986,000*3
Municipal Potable Water [m³] ★ 1,191,210 1,330,596 432,544 426,724 1,530,805 -
Groundwater [m³] ★ - - 0 0 124 -
Industrial Water [m³] ★ - - 237,230 278,467 286,442 -
Harvested Rainwater*4 [m³] ★ - 238*5 5,953 26,403 36,682 -
Water Discharge*6*7 [m³] ★ 1,191,210 1,330,834 675,729 731,594 1,854,053 -
Water Consumption Per Area [m³/m²] 0.73 0.82 0.58 0.62 0.73 -
Water Intake and Discharge Volume at Data Centers [m³] 273,668 401,246 353,394 411,594 500,905 550,000*3
  1. *1
    Due to a change in definition in FY22, the figures for FY21 have been retroactively adjusted.
  2. *2
    For offices not equipped with meters, consumption is estimated based on floor area using data on consumption per unit of floor area for the SoftBank Corp. group.
  3. *3
    Setting targets that account for the expanded coverage
  4. *4
    Harvested rainwater with roof drains
  5. *5
    Figures for the period from Sept. 2020 to Mar. 2021 after the relocation of the headquarters.
  6. *6
    Sewage only
  7. *7
    Amounts for water withdrawal and water discharge were the same, meaning that total net fresh water consumption was 0 m³

Environmental Management System

Category [Unit] Boundary Coverage FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
ISO 14001 Certified Sites [Sites] - - - 19 19 18
ISO 14001 Certification Rate* [%] - - 100.0 100.0 100.0
  1. *
    The percentage of certified sites among all applicable sites (sites designated under the Act on the Rational Use of Energy as type 1 designated energy management factories, etc., or type 2 designated energy management factories, etc.)


Category [Unit] Boundary Coverage FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Violations of Environmental Rules
Times [Times] FY23:
0 0 0 0 0
Penalty Amount [Thousand yen] 0 0 0 0 0