ESG Data

SoftBank Corp. and major subsidiaries' data related to ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) on our business activities are disclosed by items.

Corporate Governance

Item [Unit] Bound-ary Cover-age FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Board Directors [Persons] Internal Board Directors Women - 0 0 0 0 0
Men 7 7 7 7 6
Total 7 7 7 7 6
External Board Directors*1 Women 1 (1) 1 (1) 3 (2) 3 (2) 2 (2)
Men 3 (3) 3 (3) 3 (3) 3 (3) 3 (3)
Total 4 (4) 4 (4) 6 (5) 6 (5) 5 (5)
Grand Total 11 11 13 13 11
Executive Officers on the Board of Directors [Persons] - 5 5 4 4 4
% of Executive Officers on the Board of Directors [%] - 45.5 45.5 30.8 30.8 36.4
% of Independent External Directors on the Board of Directors [%] - 36.4 36.4 38.5 38.5 45.5
% of Women on the Board of Directors [%] - 9.1 9.1 23.1 23.1 18.2
Audit & Supervisory Board Members [Persons] Internal Audit & Supervisory Board Members Women - 1 1 1 1 1
Men 1 1 1 1 1
Total 2 2 2 2 2
External Audit & Supervisory Board Members Women 0 0 0 1 1
Men 2 2 2 1 1
Total 2 2 2 2 2
Grand Total 4 4 4 4 4
Average Age of Board Directors*2 [Age] - 60.3 61.3 60.6 61.6 64.2
Term Limit for Board Directors [Years] - 1 1 1 1 1
Average Term of Office of Board Directors*2 [Years] - 7.8 8.8 8.3 9.3 11.5
Board Meetings Held*3 [Times] - 14 12 12 13 13
Board Directors Attending Less Than 75% of Board Meetings [Persons] - 0 0 0 1 1
Average Attendance Rate of Board Directors [%] - - 100.0 97.4 94.7 92.5
Audit and Supervisory Board Meetings Held [Times] - 17 17 16 16 17
Board Members Attending Less Than 75% of Audit and Supervisory Board Meetings [Persons] - 0 0 0 0 0
Board Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members [Persons] Women - 2 2 4 5 4
Men 13 13 13 12 11
Total 15 15 17 17 15
% of Women in Board Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members [%] - 13.3 13.3 23.5 29.4 26.7
Nominating and Remuneration Committee Members [Persons] Internal Nominating and Remuneration Committee Members Women - 0 0 0 0 0
Men 1 1 1 1 1
Total 1 1 1 1 1
Independent External Nominating and Remuneration Committee Members Women 1 1 1 1 2
Men 3 3 3 3 3
Total 4 4 4 4 5
Grand Total 5 5 5 5 6
Nominating Committee Meetings Held [Times] - 2 4 3 2 4
Remuneration Committee Meetings Held*4 [Times] - 3 4 6 6 3
Nominating Committee Meeting Attendance Rate [%] - 100.0 100.0 93.3 100.0 96.0
Remuneration Committee Meeting Attendance Rate*4 [%] - 100.0 100.0 96.7 93.3 100.0
Special Committee Members [Persons] Independent External Members Women - - - 2 2 2
Men - - 3 3 3
Total - - 5 5 5
Grand Total - - 5 5 5
Special Committee Meetings Held*4 [Times] - - - 1 3 2
Special Committee Meeting Attendance*4 [%] - - - 100.0 93.3 90.0
  1. *1
    Figures shown in parentheses indicate the number of independent external Board Directors.
  2. *2
    Due to a change in definition in FY21, the figures for FY20 have been retroactively adjusted.
  3. *3
    Excludes meetings of the Board of Directors conducted by written resolution
  4. *4
    Includes meetings held by written communication


Item [Unit] Boundary Coverage FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Remuneration of Chief Executive Officer [Million yen] Basic Remuneration - 120 120 120 120 120
Stock Options 89 59 52 55 36
Performance-based Bonus 200 228 - - -
Performance-based Remuneration 200 228 475 399 1,125
Total 608 635 647 574 1,281
Remuneration of Board Directors (Excluding External Board Directors)*1 [Million yen] Basic Remuneration - 432 432 444 444 441
Stock Options 345 228 273 251 156
Performance-based Bonus 628 701 - - -
Performance-based Remuneration 628 701 1,606 1,331 3,595
Total 2,034 2,061 2,323 2,026 4,192
Remuneration of Audit & Supervisory Board Members (Excluding External Members) [Million yen] Basic Remuneration - 14 17 18 18 23
Stock Options - - - - -
Performance-based Bonus - - - - -
Performance-based Remuneration - - - - -
Total 14 17 18 18 23
Remuneration of External Board Directors and External Audit & Supervisory Board Members [Million yen] Basic Remuneration - 64 70 104 114 113
Stock Options - - - - -
Performance-based Bonus - - - - -
Performance-based Remuneration - - - - -
Total 64 70 104 114 113
Remuneration of Non-executive Board Members [Million yen] - 89 59 38 23 10
Ratio of CEO Shareholdings to Basic Remuneration [Times] - - - - 199 265
Average Ratio of Shareholdings to Basic Remuneration for Executive Directors with Shareholdings*2 [Times] - - - - 36 45
Average Annual Salary of Employees [Thousand yen] Women ★ - 6,110 6,580 6,502 6,512 6,594
Men ★ 8,372 8,728 8,592 8,554 8,629
Total ★ 7,821 8,207 8,084 8,049 8,105
Women FY23:
6,259 6,737 6,329 6,598 6,583
Men 8,295 8,728 8,430 8,626 8,526
Total 7,782 8,222 7,808 8,007 7,932
Average Annual Pay for Executives (Basic Salary Only)*3*4*5 [Thousand yen] Women ★ - - - - - -
Men ★ - 50,232 52,769 52,134 52,338
Total ★ - 50,232 52,769 52,134 52,338
Women FY23:
- - 32,690 23,336 16,003
Men - 43,031 26,717 28,947 24,102
Total - 41,207 26,901 28,623 23,455
Average Annual Pay for Executives (Basic Salary + Bonus)*3*4*5 [Thousand yen] Women ★ - - - - - -
Men ★ - 100,385 116,638 67,078 72,186
Total ★ - 100,385 116,638 67,078 72,186
Women FY23:
- - 45,596 31,919 20,252
Men - 84,986 42,097 40,181 33,896
Total - 80,335 42,215 39,704 32,806
Average Annual Pay for Executives (Basic Salary + Bonus + Share-Based Payments)*3*4 [Thousand yen] Women - - - - - -
Men - 141,785 168,946 171,029 159,007
Total - 141,785 168,946 171,029 159,007
Average Annual Salary of Employees at Management Positions by Gender (Basic Salary Only)*4*5 [Thousand yen] Women ★ - - 6,802 6,782 6,793 6,906
Men ★ - 7,405 7,398 7,385 7,455
Total ★ - 7,367 7,356 7,340 7,409
Women FY23:
- 6,327 7,083 7,375 7,568
Men - 7,274 7,569 7,875 8,069
Total - 7,193 7,499 7,805 7,995
Average Annual Salary of Employees at Management Positions (Basic Salary + Bonuses)*4*5 [Thousand yen] Women ★ - - 10,847 10,677 10,695 10,650
Men ★ - 11,838 11,669 11,651 11,522
Total ★ - 11,777 11,601 11,579 11,449
Women FY23:
- 10,337 10,085 10,659 9,952
Men - 11,833 11,357 11,716 11,276
Total - 11,706 11,185 11,567 11,081
Average Annual Salary of Employees at Non-management Positions (Basic Salary + Bonuses) [Thousand yen] Women ★ - - 6,313 6,203 6,179 6,228
Men ★ - 7,391 7,241 7,163 7,229
Total ★ - 7,070 6,933 6,865 6,912
Women FY23:
- 6,392 5,873 5,878 5,998
Men - 7,384 7,081 7,105 7,164
Total - 7,082 6,655 6,669 6,751
Average Annual Pay for Temporary and Part-time Employees (Basic Salary + Bonus) [Thousand yen] Women - - - - 3,450 3,513
Men - - - 4,083 4,228
Total - - - 3,883 4,004
Women FY23:
- - - 2,023 2,356
Men - - - 3,043 3,353
Total - - - 2,436 2,757
Bonuses for Employees (Median) [Thousand yen] - 2,253 2,252 2,295 2,298 2,137
Ratio of CEO's Remuneration to Average Annual Salary of Employees [Times] FY23:
78 77 84 72 161
Ratio between CEO's Remuneration and Average Annual Pay for Employees (Median) [Times] - 270 282 282 250 599
  1. *1
    Under the SoftBank Corp. group's policy on the payment of executive remuneration, the remuneration of Board Director Masayoshi Son is to be excluded from the scope of actual payment since the remuneration of Directors who concurrently hold posts in SoftBank Corp. group companies is paid from the main company at which they serve, and thus excluded from the figures above accordingly.
  2. *2
    Excluding the CEO and non-executive Directors
  3. *3
    Calculated for Executive Directors and Delegated Senior Vice Presidents
  4. *4
    Delegated Senior Vice Presidents were classified as employees at management positions in FY20 and as executives from FY21 onward.
  5. *5
    Due to a change in definition in FY21, the figures for FY20 have been retroactively adjusted.

Remuneration for Comptrollers

Item [Unit] Boundary Coverage FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Remuneration for Independent Auditors [Million yen] Audit Fee FY23:
1,398 1,562 2,053 3,407 4,709
Non-audit Fee 115 247 382 115 83
Total 1,513 1,809 2,435 3,522 4,792
Remuneration for Those Who Belong to the Same Network as Auditors, Certified Public Accountants, and Others (excluding the above) [Million yen] Audit Fee FY23:
- 5 103 130 142
Non-audit Fee 343 591 618 303 112
Total 343 596 721 433 254

Shareholders' Rights

Item [Unit] Boundary Coverage FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Anti-takeover Measures [-] - None


Item [Unit] Bound-ary Cover-age FY
Consultations/Reports about Compliance Violations [Reports] - 228 175 228 267 226
Breakdown of Consultations/Reports [Reports] Labor Affairs - 104 83 71 67 80
Other 124 92 157 200 146
Code of Conduct or Ethics Breaches [Breaches] Details of Violation Improper Sales - - 8 11 12 4
Violation of Security Rules - 3 6 16 3
Neglect of Duty - 0 1 2 1
Other - 13 9 12 16
Total 37 24 27 42 24
Details of Punishment Punitive Dismissal - - 2 0 3 5
Retirement under Instruction - 2 6 8 2
Demotion - 4 5 4 5
Suspension of Work - 5 3 8 3
Pay Cut - 7 8 9 6
Reprimand - 4 5 10 3
Total 37 24 27 42 24
Violations, Including Human Rights Infringements and Harassment [Breaches] Breaches - 14 12 13 5 6
Details of Punishment Punitive Dismissal - 0 0 0 0
Retirement under Instruction - 0 2 0 1
Demotion - 3 3 0 1
Suspension of Work - 3 2 4 0
Pay Cut - 1 4 0 4
Reprimand - 5 2 1 0
Total 14 12 13 5 6
Trainings on Human Rights [Times] - 8 10 11 12 11
Ratio of Employees Who Have Taken a Compliance Test [%] - 99.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Cases of Leakage of Personal Information, Theft or Loss of Data* [Cases] - 0 0 0 0 0
Total Contributions & Expenditures for Political Influence [Yen] Political Contributions - 0 0 0 0 0
Lobbying 0 0 0 0 0
Expenses for Trade Associations 0 0 0 0 0
Other Expenses 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0
Anticompetitive Violation [Cases] - 0 0 0 0 0
Bribery [Cases] - 0 0 0 0 0
Insider Trading [Cases] - - - - 0 0
Money Laundering [Cases] - - - - 0 0
Conflicts of Interest [Cases] - - - - 0 0
  1. *
    Disclosed based on guidance from regulatory authorities and in violations of laws and regulations

Information Security

Item [Unit] Boundary Coverage FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Information Security Incidents*1 [Incidents] - 0 0 0 0 0
Information Security Training Attendance Rate [%] - 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
ISO 9001 Certified Sites [Sites] - - - 38 38 39
ISO 9001 Certification Rate*2 [%] - - - 100.0 100.0 100.0
ISO 27001 Certified Sites [Sites] - - - 28 29 29
ISO 27001 Certification Rate*3 [%] - - - 100.0 100.0 100.0
ISO 20000-1 Certified Sites [Sites] - - - 25 24 25
ISO 20000-1 Certification Rate*4 [%] - - - 100.0 100.0 100.0
  1. *1
    Disclosed in accordance with SoftBank Corp.'s information security policy
  2. *2
    The percentage of certified sites among all applicable sites (39 sites where SoftBank Corp. has sought ISO 9001 certification)
  3. *3
    The percentage of certified sites among all applicable sites (29 sites where SoftBank Corp. has sought ISO 27001 certification)
  4. *4
    The percentage of certified sites among all applicable sites (25 sites where SoftBank Corp. has sought ISO 20000-1 certification)